PS Thank you for sharing and your writings. Sorry for ranting as well.


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After a wee bit of esearch and locating the author. It looks like she's been shared in many publications, including UK, The Telegraph just one of the international papers that I noticed. I'll repeat my over used line here first, Every single country has the exact same type of government that it deserves to have. The entire world has now been given many glimpses to the "Good ole' USA" and our hypocrisies of right vs wrong. As far as the opinion of this woman goes, she's simply another person who knows how to manipulate people with their fears and ignorance, using the same tactics as her man, trump uses. Nothing new there. Unless another "Representative" has new names to call other women she works with or more pornography to share with her co-workers, those too are passé. These childish tactics are the best way for her to stay in the headlines, and secure her position. News is another community that has to show a profit to stay in the game. She's aware her job (s) is not about ethics, it's actually about the "win at all costs". I am still baffled by our neighbors lack of reality, but not that surprised. Their obvious lack of concern about what is happening in the political scene, here and abroad is testament of our decay. As if some of our wars aren't enough proof. Or perhaps just our uncaring. Those young men who turned into mass shooters, certainly did not become so overnight. They learned how to eliminate their own personal demons, disconnected from uncaring society. Except for the bullies at school and home along with the entire WWW, thanks to a new form of bullying. Constant coverage for pro vs con gun control surely played a small part in their confusion from the adults about a wiser solution to their torments. That gang of criminals who attacked their own United States Capital building, and terrorized their own employees was the best answer they, the supposed adults, came to. Instead. Only making it about the winner, and nothing more. There's not a politician alive who doesn't know what it takes to win an election .We The People care about the same thing they care about....money. Our concern over our economy has always been a good indicator of how much we really don't care about other issues or who we hire to Lord over us. Unless it involves a POC, a lesbian, tran, atheist, or anyone who doesn't look and think like they do. They just want to simply be able to buy their larger TVs and other stuff as inexpensively as possible, to fill their lives with more stuff than the gal nextdoor has. If that includes beating the crap out of someone for their shoes, then they see that's acceptable. They "won" We had Jerry Springer teach the lessons, to the Moneychangers in TV land, what their audience actually want to view, making Trash TV a number one television program. Acting like a school yard bully in his sandbox, flinging sand about is exceptable behavior in our country now, with Jerry and trump's help. Truth has become so blurred that lieing, cheating, uncivil actions and demonizing anyone who doesn't think like you do, is the correct path for a large percentage of our neighbors. "Karen's" were elevated to Star quality, News worthy material. We Peasants have the same wealthy individuals controlling just about everything, including the Supreme Court, that we've had since the beginning of our society. We deserve everything we have as far as leadership, in government as well as the private sector. Selflessness and empathy have been replaced by greed and distain. Civility is on life support and our knowledge comes from an amoral Capitalist "being" called the Internet, with zero regards to actually doing any researching for facts . Especially if it's an opposing point of what the POTUS trained you to believe. Algorithms will keep your POV on top of your feed. Gotta sell those ads. The daily newspaper headlines should have been calling out the lies of all elected officials on a daily run. Instead we have "jaw-breakng and viral talking points masquerading.as News in the headlines of most publications. But they too know what the citizens want from their News. COVID uncovered their ignorance of science, and trump was their professor. It also forced many to actually have to be around their children longer than they wanted to be, and spend money on sitters instead of the purse du jour. . The author and her love of trump is simply an influencer's game plan for staying relevant in the chaos of the "News". It's her personal bling.

Teach the Children Well.

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Joyce Reynolds-Ward - "I’d just note that I had noticed this issue popping up on MSN about a year ago—and had stopped using it for this very reason. I noticed that they started hiding the Opinions tab, then that no matter what I did, they started offering up right-wing stories. Uh-uh."

Sam Ray - "When I search something & MSN is the source, I think it is at least fairly credible. What makes this different is this isn’t a right-wing story. It is enemies of democracy publishing trump’s insurrectionist propaganda, & MSN, Yahoo & other American corps are spreading it, consciously or unconsciously, & we would be fools to let it continue. I’m pretty sure free speech stops at treason."

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✨Surprised to know MSN published such an article, not surprised it was written by a trump minion... Great read, Sam !✨

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Thanks Harry. Indeed when most of us search something & MSN is the source, we think it is at least fairly credible. Joyce in the comments said she starting noticing forced GOP opinion from MSN about a year ago.

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