I lived in Honolulu before, after, and throughout President Obama's 8 years in office. I imagine Oakland is experiencing much the same feeling.

The attacks by the right were similar.

Hawaii doesn't have the same ( in fact it's the opposite) type of racism, bigotry and misogyny as the mainland.

Obama has spoken about it many times.

She has surpassed him in enthusiasm and support though. To be fair Obama's opponents weren't fascists. Nor sadistic malignant narcissists hellbent on turning the country into a fascist dictatorship with the blessing of a corrupted extremist far right wing SC.

May the force be with us.

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Very well said. Growing up in the E. Bay was special. We learned young that good people were nice & respectful, regardless of skin-tone, culture, religion, orientation, etc. and jerks were the same across every group too. Now I recognize that most of the jerks aligned with the normal human % of narcissists.

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I appreciate you telling me that. I read everything you write. I recommended others follow you to gain insight.

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Thank you kindly. It is inspiring to write about a subject that helps good folks.

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You're most welcome.

I had knowledge ( this may seem a little different) from 2 sources.

I followed the Manson trial . I wanted to learn everything I could about how he convinced his followers to kill for him. The testimony of Watkins, DeCarlo Flynn and Crokett was illuminating. I remember the statement " fear turns Charlie on"

Later I went to work for the USPS. We had training courses as to what to do when confronted by a barking dog that was showing signs of preparing to attack. They told us even if we were dog lovers the usual behavior of trying to reach out to feed the dog wouldn't work. We had to stand our ground very still and show no fear. Put the satchel in front of our bodies ( with trump the satchel is your words) how you respond. Back away slowly to get to the safety of the truck. You back away from a sadistic malignant narcissist by distancing yourself emotionally and using your emotional maturity and intelligence to disarm him. I think that this is what Michelle Obama was trying to do with trump and the access Hollywood tape but it was misconstrued by the label " we go high" She didn't ( in my opinion) understand his illness thoroughly enough to combat it. Most people didn't. They were too shocked by it. Now it's been shoved down our throats for 9 years so it's easier.

I already had some knowledge so I expanded on it and started doing extensive research on sadistic malignant narcissists. trump is such an extreme case I cannot fault President Biden for not being as adept at confronting him as she is.

We are very lucky that history has taken this turn and put her in the position of Democratic nominee.

I can't think of a better person to oppose him in this moment.

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Aug 6Liked by Sam Ray

Mary Trump’s brother, Fred Trump III has just released a book that sheds more light on his sociopathy as well as his malignant narcissism. Hopefully it will filter thru the ether and even enlightened some magas of his cruelty as he suggested his grandnephew let his son die ( born w cerebral palsy and other neuro degenerative disorder). I think it was written that trump went to the movies when his other brother was dying. It’s more than he has no empathy, he likes being cruel and inflicting harm. We saw this during Covid. We saw it on Jan 6.

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It's beyond heartbreaking

He is a sadistic malignant narcissist as I've been saying since 2015. He gets off on violence and cruelty. There have been many examples over all these odious years that show it. It's the most dangerous form of narcissism that there is.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Sam Ray

Oops, it's super early here and I just got up.

I forgot to mention body language, facial expressions as well as words. Her laugh? That's an asset.

trump uses tons of power moves with his body language and facial expressions. Easy to decipher. I can't believe people are asking why did he tighten that reporter's water bottle? It's so " weird"

No. Not weird. It's a power move to disarm her and show his dominance as a " strong white male"

I hope my suggestion that more people follow you is heeded. You have to understand what it is that you're fighting against to win.

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Not just Trump, but I think we all are still gobsmacked over this meteoric rise of Harris as a candidate. If anyone was in the right place at the right time to take over the reins - it was Kamala. When Joe picked her as a running mate it was for different reasons than what it has turned out to be.

People/cult followers have often referred to Trump as having charisma. His type of charisma has only influenced the socially/emotionally weakest in our society. That’s not true charisma. There’s nothing attractive or charming about him. He’s preying on people.

But apparently, Kamala has had it all along, cultivating her intellect and magnetism in her career and growing into her current role as VP. Now she’s able to utilize her superpower, gathering support in that political void - THAT is charisma.

By comparison, Trump is fake, a fluke and a flunkie.

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Biden brings out the best in people. 🍊hitler, felon, rapist, cheater, liar, scammer brings out the worst in people.

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Aug 3Liked by Sam Ray

She will win

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Sam, this article was touching to me on a personal level. My daughter lives in Oakland and I always equated her w/wonder Woman. The Mayor appointed her as Commissioner of cultural affairs. It is she who organizes all the huge festivals that Oakland likes to present with global talent in music and dance in addition to her regular job. And she does the same for the city of San francisco. I am proud to have lived in the East Bay, too. Everything you say about it is true. Especially about the many multi talented and strong women there representing multiple cultures. Thank you for sharing.

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Aug 3Liked by Sam Ray

Great article!

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Thanks so much! It’s a rare positive CNI profile, so needs a little work.

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Der Führer

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✨Brilliant, spot-on article ! Thank you, Sam ! ✨

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Aug 3Liked by Sam Ray

Ha Ha!! Harris2024💙!!!

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Sep 5Liked by Sam Ray

Obsessed with this narrative of Dark Kamala. I am so excited and on fire for her in Georgia I’m having trouble sleeping. We already have our rooms booked in DC for #DarkKamalaTakeoverJ20

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I’m loving every minute of the Dark Kamala series. I can’t wait for the last battle with the trumplodite!🤩 Mwahahahaha🦹🏻‍♀️✋🏼🤡

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An amazing read again Sam! Thank you!!

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Thanks so much Michele!

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Aug 5Liked by Sam Ray


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Great read...

I'm loving the Dark Kamala I hadn't thought to switch it up. Thank you for the idea. I'll be repeating it often.

Playing the FAFO card with the Felon is going to be a joy for Kamala with the 46th Administration absolutely nailing it on Promises Made Promises Kept. He'll be bluffing his way to Roevember.

I'm already sick of hearing Border Czar... since when? 🙄🙄🙄

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.. saw this comin early on.. There’s ‘tipping points & ‘natural consequences .. CASCADES even !

this is the Shining Era of - Assault & Insult Their Character as ‘parasitic journalistic entertainment - pipelined .. nay ‘mainlined into SocialMedia 24/7 - ready or not - it’s loaves & fishes - Blessed be Trump - Immaculate Sire to Many & anointed by God in his Infinite Polling & Donor Dollahs ‘divine point spreads & poking among the Polling Gizzards

Meanwhile, Donald Trump humps & haunts the State Fairgound Circuit - where being background collateral statistic ain’t quite as WWF ‘cache as it used to be but the Secret Service Does Not see ‘what the fuss is about.. the guy missed his Target nine times while massacring the background People .. all the while - from a sloping roof about Far Away as a pair of Canadian Football Goalposts are ‘apart .. don’t people throw javelins further ? 125 yards is a Home Run ? In what BallPark pray tell !

Trumps skull exploding in slo mo replay - scatterings of tissue & chunks as mere Watermelon seeds & juicy spatter.. Now That ! might have ‘changed .. indeed ‘driven the narrative .. mayhap moreso than a gruntled Trump TourGroup cryin in their soup @ ‘the Commotion @ The Nation’s Capital Conventional Coupe de Latte alt IwoJima flag planting redux ..

& When did ‘Governance’ & Justice For All - become Playground of stinkin Rich & Infamous ! ?

‘Dark Kamala Does NOT Bode Well a’tall for the Supremes’s Brand Of Malignant Narcissism nor the ScatterBrain Machinations & Hallucinations of The Trump Brand et al INC GOP herd behaviour 🏴‍☠️🦎

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You just stay and keep the new power you have. You then restore and strengthen Democracy.

That is at the core of the Constitution to protect Democracy, though the means is temporarily beyond old law, not the new powers just given to a President…not just Trump.

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