Wow, life and the path of humanity can change so quickly!
How suddenly Dark Brandon’s superpowers seemed to have faded before our very eyes, and how terrifying it was that his loss of power was about to cost our freedom and democracy to a rogue’s gallery of clownish supervillains.
What good fortune that tragedy was miraculously averted by supernaturally turning itself around, when the best person for the job quickly emerged. She has us back on the right path towards a brighter future, rather than some sad and dark dystopian one where malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths take America down their nazi default path.
How fun it is when suppressed concerns can be quickly left behind, forgotten and traded in for palpable national excitement and enthusiasm.
All this brighter future was only given a chance because Dark Brandon honorably, quickly and seamlessly helped turn it all around in one heroic selfless act for the ages.
Nothing is set and nothing is certain, but it is hard not to say that the transition from Biden to Harris has been almost seamless, and has reenergized the silent majority towards the easy choice of a more positive future.
Indeed, by being that rare person in history who willingly gives up power when they don’t have to, Biden helped ensure his and his successor’s legacy by valuing freedom, democracy and the future security of America more than his own power.
We already know what malignant narcissist trump will do if he loses power. Throw a tantrum, deny reality, make Republicans deny it too, incite a coup, and continue to deny all evidence of him losing to his dying breath, and that was after just one loss. On the bright side, he won’t be in the White House this time.
If Kamala’s near pitch perfect performance so far is any guide, Dark Brandon has seemingly transferred his superpowers to outmaneuver and make maga cry to a next generation of American superhero, Dark Kamala.
Dems are speaking in “Marxist and Luciferian incantation” now? Wow! The weirdos have lost the plot folks!
Dark Brandon
“For those who do not know who Dark Brandon is, the origin of calling Biden “Brandon” came about when chants from maga clowns saying, “Fuck Joe Biden” were heard in an October 2021 TV interview at a Talladega, Alabama NASCAR race. While the reporter was interviewing a driver named Brandon, they wrongly claimed the chants were saying, “Let’s go Brandon.”
In short order, “Let’s go Brandon” became a very effective and popular right-wing rallying cry, Republican code phrase and gaslighting technique for them saying FU to Dems and Biden.
Cleverly, progressives later flipped the meme into “Dark Brandon.” This was a response to the even more self-declared Republican extreme position of “dark maga.” This time in short order, Dark Brandon became Biden as both supervillain to the right-wing and a politically successful alter ego superhero to the left-wing. Biden has since embraced the nickname to show his tougher side and even referred to himself as Dark Brandon in a humorously threatening way at the 2023 National Correspondents Dinner.
Every time Biden has defeated the GOP since, in many places online Dark Brandon is given credit for the victory on all sides. Again, in being patient, wisely using a rope-a-dope strategy to get the GOP to somewhat punch themselves out, and then picking his perfect moment to drop the hammer, CNI says, “Well played Dark Brandon,” and to anyone else who has successfully used a rope-a-dope-type strategy to defeat a narcissist.” - Counter-Narcissist Cheat Codes: Rope-a-Dope
Dark Brandon nails trump again!
Like everyone, I have been hearing so much mainstream media gyration about Kamala being vulnerable to attacks as the “Border Czar” that I almost forgot Biden had already set trump up there.
For those who don’t remember, Biden entered negotiations with some hardcore border hawks, agreeing to almost everything they said they needed. Even the right-wing border patrol endorsed the bill, but at the last minute, trump killed it.
trump straight up told Republicans that he wanted to use it as a campaign issue, and they could not allow a win for Joe Biden. When he got GOP pushback, he was literally quoted as saying, “Blame it on me,” so donald deserves and asked for the blame. “How unfair of us” said the pathological liar.
What a surprise trump ads are now targeting Kamala on the issue he wanted to use as an issue, but Dark Kamala easily closed Biden’s trap by reminding everyone, “He tanked the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election, which goes to show” trump “doesn’t want to fix it, he only cares about himself.”
Gee, it does sound quite malignantly narcissistic to blame your opponent for something you killed, so you could later use the issue against them in a campaign, but this is also 100% consistent with trump’s forever behavior. One might even call it compulsive, antisocial, pathological behavior.
Dark Kamala
Perhaps Dark Kamala is just what the enemies of freedom, equality and democracy will call her, but after road-testing her newfound superpowers for a few weeks, she seems to have psychologically broken trump, the gop and conservative media, and they are showing no current signs of recovery.
Of course we cannot expect it to last but trump’s, vance’s and the gop’s total reveal and devastation due to Kamala’s powers and presence is quite a new experience, pleasant surprise and sight to behold.
I mean I knew she would be good but with Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Megan The Stallion and almost every other huge pop star on the planet helping her with whatever she needs, the momentum she is building seems almost incalculable and unstoppable because as history teaches us, once a leader has the love and energy of the youth, they win almost every time in every political system.
trump has always wished real stars would give him the time of day, but they never will because he is such a horrible human being. Indeed there is a reason why only lower-level, a-hole stars get along with trump. CNI readers know why. Narcissists of a feather flock together.
Psychological mastery
One thing that should hold is Dark Kamala’s continuing mastery of triggering trump without even trying, but CNI is so happy to report that it also does seem certain that she is implementing some form of very solid counter-narcissist intel into her every political move. From the think tank mission perspective, it is glorious to see several CNI suggestions being road-tested on the biggest stages to such success.
I also highly suspect that trump melted down in front of the National Association of Black Journalists, in no small part due to a strong black woman named Kamala causing him to be ignored by the media. It certainly crushes his fragile feelings that she is dominating every news cycle.
Subconsciously, he is insanely jealous of Kamala’s popularity and star power. Of course consciously, he was certain he was helping himself with his toxic bs.
Yes, trump tried to grab the news cycle back, but thanks to the manipulative powers of Dark Kamala triggering him into being himself, she apparently forced him to make it so much worse by allowing him to use his free speech.
Here is the absolute racist and demented lunacy that Dark Kamala triggered out of trump’s toxic sewage pipe of lies and hate, otherwise known as his mouth.
“She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now, she wants to be known as black . . . All of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person. . . . And I think someone should look into that, too.” - djt - NABJ -7-31-24
No donald, her father was black, her mother was Indian, but you only seem to see dark Kamala. It’s ok donald. We know how much strong, smart and especially brown skin-tone women terrify you. It must be so confusing in that completely insecure “stable genius” mind of yours that when most people have parents from two different cultures, they often proudly identify with both cultures.
If you would have read Kamala’s book (we know he doesn’t read books except a book of hitler’s speeches), perhaps you would be less confused about the appropriateness of questioning her black or Indian heritage and identity.
trump’s “mask of sanity”
When a malignant narcissist is triggered, their “mask of sanity” slips, and Kamala by her mere presence is triggering trump, vance and all of maga consciously and unconsciously, and CNI is here for it.
Cheat Code: Normally the best opportunity for a cult member to be pulled out and deprogrammed is when the leader’s mask of sanity and being a “truth teller” is observed slipping by the cult member.
If anyone has any doubt of trump’s malignant narcissism and that of the maga Republican cult, just think of what self-delusion it takes for trump to claim he has been the best president for black Americans since Lincoln, and for his cult to go along with that alternate reality claim, instead of just laughing him out of the presidential race on that one epic narcissistic delusion alone.
The Hero’s Journey
Hopefully at some point you started asking yourself, “How does he know or claim to know so much about this new superhero’s story?”
To start with, in 2020 Kamala was my first pick for the main reason she is so good currently. As I said then, and many say now, who better to prosecute the case against criminal trump than a former Attorney General. She certainly acquitted herself very well in being one of the best prosecutors in the Senate.
Now add 3.5 years of mentoring under Joe Biden as the Vice President. The VP experience has only made her far more prepared for a job she was already well-qualified for as a former San Francisco AG, California AG and Senator.
When you hear maga try to denigrate any of her jobs, just remind them that California is the largest state in America with roughly 40 million people. If we were a country, we usually have the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world, because we have so many strong and diverse economic engines, such as entertainment, tech, energy, tourism and farming, to name but a few. Not bad capitalism for a place trump, maga and gop call a “socialist hellhole.”
In other words, any top job in California is normally a “top of the heap, A #1” kind of job. More crucially, unlike red states, the majority of Californians actually expect our government to work for us effectively, and they often do because we normally hold them accountable.
In that same vein of accountability, having grown up in a town next door and two years apart from Kamala, I can say with absolute certainty that if trump thinks he can mess with a black or an Indian woman from Oakland, he's got another thing coming. The Bay Area builds strong, smart and independent women who do not play.
I can’t express how much love and pride there is for the strong and accomplished sister from Oakland who is hopefully about to become the first female American President, but in the East Bay Area where we are from, it is an off the charts new frontier of love and pride for our local girl done good, and that another worldly, creative and innovative Californian is helping lead America’s way towards a brighter future.
The path of CNI is to help ease and speed the process of enough of us becoming ready and capable to keep the barbarians at the gate. Thankfully, the likely next President of the United States, Kamala Harris is someone who can reveal to the world what psychologically disordered barbarians trump, vance and gop maga truly are in her sleep, because as Dark Kamala would say,” I know his type.”
In swing-state Georgia that was recently considered out of play for Joe Biden but is now on fire for Kamala, as this charming woman there prophetically said a few days ago, “I think she’s going to give trump what he needs. He ain’t ready for this one.”
Dark Kamala, activate.
Sam Ray © 2024 - Counter-Narcissist Intelligence
Not just Trump, but I think we all are still gobsmacked over this meteoric rise of Harris as a candidate. If anyone was in the right place at the right time to take over the reins - it was Kamala. When Joe picked her as a running mate it was for different reasons than what it has turned out to be.
People/cult followers have often referred to Trump as having charisma. His type of charisma has only influenced the socially/emotionally weakest in our society. That’s not true charisma. There’s nothing attractive or charming about him. He’s preying on people.
But apparently, Kamala has had it all along, cultivating her intellect and magnetism in her career and growing into her current role as VP. Now she’s able to utilize her superpower, gathering support in that political void - THAT is charisma.
By comparison, Trump is fake, a fluke and a flunkie.
She will win