Jul 27Liked by Sam Ray

Can I just say how pleased I am to be seeing this statement about a 59 year old woman? “… a youthful and energetic Presidential candidate.” 🥰

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I thought exactly the same thing!! I'm 59 and very happy to be seen as youthful 🤗🤗

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Jul 27Liked by Sam Ray

I’m 69 - but still feel “youthful” as ever! 🤣

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Hooray! 🤩🤩

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Sam Ray

It can't be easy to write engaging prose about such a repellent specimen, but I think "WTF is JD Vance?" sums it up pretty well. Also, great that one can actually feel the tingles when watching Kamala take flight. Whereas every picture I've seen of Vance looks like a mugshot.

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Thanks Peter. It is often a battle to write about “such a repellent specimen,” but once I can find my vectors of exposure it usually flows fairly well. Certainly having a new positive situation with Kamala helps with the inspiration.

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It's such a change to have a politician be able to make you smile when you see them smile. Kamala is a pro. The good politicians seem like really extraordinary people and it's been so long since I've felt any energy actually coming from a candidate. Who knew she had the extra lift to her smile? I'm sold.

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I'm a little ahead of the game because Kamala grew up in the town next door & she was my first choice in 2020, because a prosecutor to take on trump sounded perfect at the time. Sounds even better now & she's been mentored by Joe for 3.5 years.

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The man's as confused as a mouse caught in a rat trap. Wait...what? I thought it was cheese! Sam Ray for Senate!

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Rat-like vance is definitely all about the cheese.

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Jul 28Liked by Sam Ray

I share your conclusions and fears about Thiel’s plans for Vance. Would love to hear how Thiel manipulated the Trump boys into pushing their demented dad to go with the Manchurian candidate over Burgum.

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Best clarification of the tangled web of these nefarious geniuses,I have seen. Who these men are, has been revealed to have far more smarts and money, and deep emotional and spiritual wounds than level headed, common sense and zilch honorable ideals. Arrogance, selfishness and yes, narcissism of various forms drive them. What a contrast they are to the founders of our country, who’s egos were motivated by more balanced interests between their own self-interests and awareness of the need for common good, to coalesce into a nobility of ideals, to bring forth a thriving society not just for those of wealth.

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Thanks so much & well said Kali. Thankfully the profile has struck a cord.

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Jul 28Liked by Sam Ray

Everyone, pls keep in mind that a malignant narcissist will nvr hesitate to use violence, they believe it’s their right to keep others down.

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An exception to the rule is if they fear what will happen to them if they do. Their cowardice kicks in & it overpowers their sadistic instincts.

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✨Agreed ! Excellent read, Sam ! ✨

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Thanks Harry. It is doing very well. Hope you are too.

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Looking forward to reading more Sam. I actually grew up a block from JD, he was in my younger brother’s grade. His take of Middletown in his book was fairly accurate-I still visit my family there on holidays. it seems based on what I’ve read he’s changed quite drastically since the days. I’ve also seen a lot of propaganda memes against him on IG and Facebook, which cite quotes from his book that actually weren’t in his book-which is unfortunate as it only contributes to confusing people and making noise/distraction. I wish more people fact-checked what they read on social media memes AND approached anything on IG and Facebook with A LOT of common sense and skepticism no matter which political party they identify with. Thank you for writing something of more depth and research. Wild times we’re living in right now that’s for sure.

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Thanks so much Abigail. Wild coincidence with you and JD growing up in the same place. As an international traveler, I know local knowledge is usually the best knowledge, so I know there will for sure be a question or two I'd like to send you soon.

I definitely agree with the unhelpful distraction of all the untruths about JD, but I suppose with so many trying to gain attn on social media, Elon's triggering by tech bro shitposting, or just over-enthused for Kamala kids, it's inevitable. Personally, unless I can make a lie a funny speculative, like you I only care about truth because that is where the real answers are : ) Here's an article from Platformer today calling this the shitposting election. One could almost replace shitpost with propaganda. https://www.platformer.news/shitpost-election-harris-deepfake-vance-couch-memes/?ref=platformer-newsletter

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Ah yes, it was the couch meme I was referring to! Thank you for the link and yes, feel free to send any questions and I’ll answer as best I can!

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Thanks ! I thought that might be it. True or false I’d never use that bit.

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Don't overlook the profit motivation that Silicon Valley billionaires have in promoting JD Vance. Follow the money with "Project 2025 Payday: JD Vance, Peter Thiel, Palantir & Trump’s Tech Billionaire Donors"


Where does JD Vance stand on an issue? Check this infographic.

Note: His positions can suddenly change based on what Trump and Peter Thiel want.


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Jul 29Liked by Sam Ray

This is really amazing work, Deepak. So the reason Vance is in favor of a nationwide abortion ban is because his billionaire buddy Theil wants government money for his fun new invention of monitoring every single thing women do? So he made sure to get Vance on the ticket. I have to read more of you and Sam’s work. 🤯

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AJ: Who really knows for sure, but the principle"Follow the money" from "All The President's Men" suggests that political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Follow_the_money

It's a safe assumption that when a billionaire gives you a $10 million, they might be expecting something in return. This hypothesis was based on (1) public information about donations that Peter Thiel made to JD Vance (2) the multi-million dollar contract that Thiel's company Palantir got for doing data analysis on data collected about people for ICE (3) Vance voting to give the police access to women's menstrual data.

Feel free to share alternative explanations that connect these datapoints.

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I have no other explanation. Based on what I read on P25 from Andra Watkins, it sounds plausible which scares the 💩 out of me. A nationwide abortion ban would be nuts to enforce, big data would be a solution, and Theil would get his ROI and with it a nearly unprecedented amount of power for an unelected person. Like you said in follow the money I don’t think it’s a huge leap.

I just read about JD’s emails to his trans friend that sounded sincere. I know those were after he was working with Theil. I don’t get it. Hard to tell if he once had a soul.

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deletedJul 27
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Sorry. I added a like just now. Won't happen again.

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Was looking forward to reading your thoughts on JD! This is great. Thank you!

My first clue something was wrong with him was that in his book he describes how private his family is. This is my recollection from when it first came out and he was not known to anyone. His grandma said something about how she doesn’t want him to tell other outside of the family the color of her socks. So what does he do but write an expose about every last personal detail after she dies. If you truly loved someone you would respect their wishes even after their death. But he sold out. Back then my naive self wondered why and what it was all for. A political run, of course, we later found out. To me it just served as the first example of him selling out. Many more examples since!

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Sam - I have Questions - & haven’t even read your Post - the Question is about Conundrums - will be back .. not to worry 🦎🏴‍☠️🇨🇦

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I have been posting this ever since Vance slithered in:

It’s even worse if CONVICTED FELON2xImpeached4xIndictedConvictedrapistInmate P01135809failedfake45

gets installed again.

Project2025:Presidential Transition overlords have their personal pick, shillbillybsboyvance,t’d up ready to go after Oswald/Ruby (2.0). Ear-gate 7/13/24 aka Oswald/Ruby 1.0 was rehearsal, with (perhaps) unintentional collateral damage.Been saying it for quite awhile now‬

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Thank God you finally saw it. That Vance is a Manchurian Candidate, Trump will be eliminated, and the election machinery to accomplish this is already in place. A piece of what I was trying to explain earlier.


1- there is still the notion of How this group and it extensions (most collectively known as the CNP, Council for National Policy) are manipulating *in a targeted way* what individuals can send and receive across the internet, whatever platform - open or 'hidden' - they are using. Therefore corrupting the opinions of the more gullible and more emotionally trigger-able.

2- Karl Rove's spread throughout red/purple counties nation-wide of voting machines which do NOT use re-count-able hand-marked paper ballots, and the corruption of fairness rules (such as, instead of multiple random recounts, election officials can choose the race to recount, to use to 'show' that tally machines are uncorrupted), combined with other GOP voting interference strategies, can throw elections in down-ballot races, and potentially at the top, as well.

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RemovedSep 13
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I don't think you meant it this way but with this being merely your realization of something obvious & with zero critique of trump or vance over two large paragraphs, this sounds a lot like normalizing both of these loons as normal & nothing useful.

Ergo, your comment will be deleted as completely unhelpful to the CNI cause. You are welcome to try again in the future but the CNI community is far ahead of such basic concepts that have nothing teachable to offer.

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Great piece--I do emjoy your analyses! But of course I'm eagerly awaiting the Mordor piece since it so directly intersects with my area of interest!

There are a number of Appalachian writers who have been challenging the public perception that Vance's take on "hillbillies" should have been treated as so authoritative: NPR has a good interview here: https://www.npr.org/2024/08/18/nx-s1-5065643/appalachian-authors-are-coming-together-to-counter-the-narrative-in-jd-vances-book

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Unaccountable wealth will be the death of us all.

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✨I am, my Friend. Thank you ! ✨

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Thanks Sam .. yes Conundrum > Pluralized or ‘Popularized ? But consider my question just a ‘sticky on the the side of your fridge for now.. can wait or mebbe it’ll just slither out of an overflowing septic tank like a lamprey eel.. dunno they’re being deployed in Canada eh - just not at the ‘scale & scope we’re witnessing south of us.. & this ol farm lad - somewhat growed up.. is a real slow learner but does get along ‘to th gittin place’ - eventually .. the videos are blowaway ! 🦎🏴‍☠️

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