It has become a very strange sensation when most of the wisest, most educated and diversely experienced people on the planet say things epically naive, wrong, and/or self-defeating when viewed through the philosophy of Counter-Narcissism.
I recently had that sensation again with people asking for decency after a violent act, because we live in such indecent times of violent, hateful and gaslighting rhetoric from a so-called “president.”
As those who are well-versed in Cluster B and Dark Triad behaviors, tells and symptoms know well, one can often instantly hear the flawed hollowness of any psychologically ignorant comments, questions, requests or demands, no matter how much we respect the person they are coming from, or agree with them in principle.
It’s not rocket science. It’s usually just a matter of what empirical psychology and common sense says will happen virtually every single time vs. a conventional wisdom logical fallacy. Unfortunately, while most media, political and business experts we see on TV may have above average common sense, most reveal in what they say that they have little to no understanding of narcissist psychology.
Lots of naive or purposeful wrong assumptions.
Indeed one of those hollowness red flags went off when mostly good-intentioned people started foolishly asking for Americans to act decently towards a murdered healthcare CEO. A man who had apparently caused the denial of claims deaths of 1000s for a ten million dollar a year payday.
Such a request was psychologically foolish considering how angry most people are at greedflation, with healthcare being a main driver. That doesn’t include the anger from how many of our loved ones have suffered and died due to denied funding by those in the greedy, abusive and unnecessary health insurance industry.
The well-informed also know it is about to get much worse with trump’s help, so this tidal wave of bloodlust towards the healthcare industrial complex may actually end up saving many lives in the short run, because they now perceive a potential cost to themselves for being too greedy. I’m not saying it is right. It is just what the psychology tells us.
Perhaps a much clearer example of psychological blindness among “experts” is every time someone ignorantly concludes a malignant narcissist-type should get help to learn how to be a better person, the suggester reveals their deep ignorance or are attempting to gaslight us, because the word “malignant” itself means “progressively gets worse,” and almost nothing can stop the progression of that downward pathology.
So often we hear someone sincerely say that trump or a minion should be getting the psychological “help they need,” which again reveals they are completely ignorant of narcissist psychology. The research concludes few if any clinical narcissists ever seriously improve their behavior beyond the superficial with therapy, because there are no established medicines or therapeutic cures for these personality disorders.
Obviously, therapy rarely works on people who believe they are perfect as narcissists do, or on sharks when they smell blood, so again when it comes to clinical-level narcissists, most times the suggestion of therapy just reveals the ignorance of the person calling for it. In fact, the foolishness of this suggestion is further amplified by the reality that usually the only thing these malignant-types get out of therapy is how to psychologically manipulate people better.
Another common misperception even made by many psychological “experts” is the claim that narcissists become less narcissistic with age, but nearly all the evidence I have ever seen instead concludes that they just get smarter and sneakier in hiding who they really are, what they really want, and the inhuman shamelessness they are willing to use to get it.
In another example, all those years of experts in politics and the media saying they thought, “trump had learned his lesson” or he had “finally hit bottom” revealed their total ignorance of how compulsive narcissism works.
The only lessons malignant narcissists ever learn are from what won’t work on the firm barriers that stop them from getting what they crave, which is almost always a dark and twisted antisocial variation on more money, power and control. One lesson most learn is that being bottomless in their shamelessness often gets us normies to give up in disgust.
Additionally, one thing I discovered to be so tricky about this particular type of psychology is that even for those of us who have the interest and aptitude, many key truths about narcissistic disorders are surprisingly obscured by reasonable sounding logical fallacies, misperceptions and hidden from view by an outdated set of ethics of the establishment.
What a strange coincidence that malignant-types of narcissists are well-known for using logical fallacies and outdated beliefs for manipulation and control purposes while hiding in the institutions of business, government, theology, etc.
What seems so hard for most to comprehend is that there are a fair amount of other humans as described who will never learn basic life lessons and have no limit on how shamelessly low they will go, because it is not in their egocentric interest to do so. Just always remember they can often present as fairly normal but there are also often signs that they were a mask to hide their true selves, if you know how to see them.
Basic common sense and psychology.
Thankfully, a CNI method that is also basic common sense removes many moral quandaries in doing the right thing, and it is usually a pretty simple calculation. If you do the opposite of what malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths would do in the same situation, then you will almost always make the most moral, honorable and pro-social choices.
There are of course exceptions because clinical-level narcissists occasionally make the right choice, but it is a near certainty that the choice was made for self-serving reasons. However, in times of war or as a target of this type of dark psychological warfare, making the most moral, honorable and pro-social choices can cost you everything, as relayed in Nice guys lose democracies.
This is not to say we need to behave in equally horrific ways to win and survive, but it does mean we need to understand the psychology we are up against, what is being used against us, and what it will trigger, so we can develop and maintain societal strategies and defenses to reverse and counter the villains who psychologically trigger and attack us.
That is why those asking for decency in indecent times after the murder of the United Healthcare CEO set off several CNI red flags and alarm bells. Indeed, basic narcissist psychology tells us that asking people to “be decent” about the murder of someone whose profit-motivated business decisions caused the deaths of many is a fool’s game. Currently, everyone should realize it was and still is inevitable that some wounded by such corporate greed will lash out with violence.
To be clear, most of the humans I have ever known have almost always strove to be decent people. However, the flaw of decency is it usually loses every unfair fight against the indecent because most can’t conceive of the bottomless lows narcissists will go to protect themselves, and acquire what they crave but don’t deserve.
How can anyone be expected to remain calm, cool, collected and decent when dark forces of disordered narcissistic and antisocial selfishness, stupidity and all other ancient evils are bearing down on their lives and civilizations like never before.
What did people expect when each country’s authoritarians gained the technological capability to micro-target and thus psychologically manipulate the vast majority of people into believing oligarch lies and voting against their own interests.
Perhaps surprisingly, this is not an indictment of the weak-minded. As the inventor of the psychopath checklist Dr. Robert Hare revealed, even he could be fooled by the lies of psychopaths for at least short periods of time. This happens to even the best because narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are so natural and convincing in telling lies that they usually don’t give off any of the normal tells of non-disordered liars, so we read them as being honest.
Indeed, what makes them such effective and dangerous liars is they can sell any lie with complete conviction and the bigger the lie the better, because it goes against human nature not to believe someone telling us something shocking with complete conviction. Not coincidentally, shamelessly selling big lies are what the malignant narcissist spectrum of disorders all seem to compulsively specialize in.
That is why a key point people need to continually absorb and remind themselves of is that despite appearances, these types of disorders are what is really going on inside the minds of the darkest, most defective and devious people in human history and on the Earth today.
It is rarely their fault but it is usually their truth, and they have adapted to present as “normal” on the surface to get away with it. For our own freedoms and survival, we must stop them because they can’t stop themselves unless their fears of the consequences are greater than their compulsions for “more.”
A constantly abused and gaslit society will aggressively react.
Now imagine a bunch of malignant-type narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths had almost all the money in the world and were allowed to capture most legacy mainstream, corporate and digital media, and then filled them with big lies and propaganda to win arguments and elections.
Keep in mind that with all the big tax cuts they received over the last many years starting with Reagan, they would also buy up all the energy, housing and healthcare corporations. You know, all the things people can’t live without and are the primary drivers of inflation and increased living expenses.
Of course since they bought up most of the media, what they are really up to is rarely reported on, as they use it to blame those trying to fix the problems, and then keep telling the rest of us to take personal responsibility. This kind of behavior will inflame and enrage many in every country on Earth until it stops.
How strange that most oligarchic industries which now include big tech are consistently making record profits as they shrinkflation us consumers in products, services and in telling us the truth. It is like they think they can keep lying about ripping us off and then funding Republicans to give them even more from Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court without violent repercussions. There will always be a percent that snaps under the weight of evil but they are just too narcissistic and entitled to see it.
Eventually, blaming Democrats for every problem their pathological greed, selfishness and thirst for power causes will fail, and their house of cards will fall. Up until they fall, their big lies are the kind of things that will just keep making everyone more angry. On top of that, when the less stable or less intelligent among us are told big lies with conviction, they will continue to be very susceptible to being manipulated or triggered into violence, just as we saw trump do to his followers on January 6th, 2020.
Did people think it was normal or a coincidence that three of trump’s one-time supporters planned to assassinate him in a few month span? It’s only logical that if one lives by hateful and dishonest rhetoric, they are going to attract the less stable, less intelligent, those who respond positively to it, and those who are negatively triggered enough will respond with violence.
• What did people think was going to happen when susceptible and vulnerable people are constantly gaslit with demonizers’ enemies’ lists?
• What do societal experts think is going to happen by asking for decency when the most indecent forms of humans, malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are taking over your country?
• What do corporations think is going to happen if they keep screwing over people and lying about it?
Of course, like all narcissists they want us to treat them decently while they constantly treat us indecently. The trick is finding that perfect balance between wisely, effectively and legally fighting the battles that really matter and not fighting the ones that are a poor use of what is most precious now (Everyone’s time and talents to make the world a better place).
There is so much to feel anger and rage about but “when everything is an outrage, outrage has no meaning.” From a CNI perspective, this means that in order to avoid being constantly gaslit by our villains’, we must work to channel our stresses, anxieties and anger into what will have the most positive impact on us and put the firmest barrier on them. Win-win!
The reality that millions over the years have died due to denied medical coverage by insurance companies making extra billions in profits is at a minimum triggering for anyone who has suffered, or had a loved one suffer at the hands of America’s overpriced and inept medical system of profits and greed over service. Tragically, the number of people that has happened to in America adds up to “almost everyone.”
That is why CNI red flags and warning lights shot off. It is the height of ignorance and/or a malignant-type arrogance to expect people to act decently when they have been constantly lied to, manipulated, hurt, gaslit and treated indecently by conscienceless elites and tone-deaf oligarchs who can’t stop their compulsions.
Indeed it is the height of psychopathic arrogance to not see that among those who have been repeatedly triggered and narcissistically abused by predatory corporations, that some would have violent and possibly murderous thoughts against those who they believe hurt them or their loved ones.
For a few decades, many of us have regularly warned elites and corporate America that they better stop being so greedy and evil or the serfs will come after them with pitchforks. Instead, they have been getting “progressively worse,” and just bought the greediest, most violence-inciting and evil government in American history thirsting to further enrich themselves, so it is virtually inevitable that more angry individuals and mobs are going to pick up a lot more pitchforks and lash out at those they blame.
It is also a very normal human reaction to be triggered by a malignant narcissist, sociopath or psychopath because they do not exhibit the normal range of emotions and often come off as creepy. Ergo, it was always just a matter of time before the amount of abuse society has received from narcissistic, sociopathic and psychopathic corporations, governments and elites was going to publicly swing back at them, and that is why asking abused people to be decent in these indecent times instead of correcting societal injustices that are triggering so many, is only going to trigger even more violent reactions.
Of course, we certainly do not welcome any violence as a society striving to be civilized, but since the gun industry and Republicans have told us how we must accept that they value assault weapons over children’s lives, no one should be surprised by the uncivilized reactions to the murder of a single CEO in a health insurance industry that has been indecent to millions of customers they claim to “serve,” for a very long time.
With trump and the Republicans in cahoots with corporate America’s oligarchs and the world’s worst dictators, they are about to make everything worse, including trying to remove the patient's bill of rights. That is the main reason why more violence against greedy, cruel and evil healthcare CEOs, politicians and other antisocial types with power seems inevitable.
It is not about liking or agreeing with violent reactions, but it is easy to see why they happen if you understand how badly most societies are being abused by malignant-type narcissists. Per a recent Thom Hartmann show, some research indicates 1 in 5 CEOs are psychopaths. I can confirm I have heard similar numbers from respected sources in the past as well.
Regardless, global greedy elites have been abusing people for a very long time and the unexpected reaction to the murder of a healthcare CEO should be a big warning sign to them that they better straighten up their acts or a lot more people are about to react with violence, because violence is the last refuge of the powerless, desperate or psychologically destroyed.
As always, victims of narcissistic abuse can either submit or rebel, and the more they feel crushed under an oligarchic boot, the less decency and more violent rebellion there will be. Unfortunately, for malignant narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths and the rest of us, as noted they normally get progressively worse, so sadly we can expect reactions to their abuses to get progressively worse as well.
In a way, the CEO assassination was a metaphorical firm barrier for the too greedy antisocial oligarchs. They now have tangible proof that if they are perceived as being too greedy and evil, it might cost them their lives.
The bipartisan positive response has definitely cost them some sense of safety, given them something beyond their own greed and power to focus on, and those were probably the understandable unconscious messages many wanted to send in their support of a CEO murderer. Certainly nothing psychologically unexpected in indecent, gaslit times.
Thanks Sam Ray for you have well summarized the black-hearted shadow our species suffers from. We will either learn and evolve (and it needs to be rather quickly with Global Warming nipping at our heels) or become extinct.
I divorced an abusive, perverted and severely disordered man 14 years ago. I eventually walked away from every single "friend" I had as well as one "therapist" because if I heard one more "you need to let it go" or "you have to forgive him" or "oh, it couldn't have been that bad" one more time I knew I was going to explode. He stalked me for at least nine years - three years directly, six more with the help of a cadre of flying monkeys including law enforcement. I've survived by making myself quite small but I still have several reasons to be afraid of the man and his stunning ability to appear compassionate and honest.
But I do indict the "weak minded" or, as I have framed it, the inexperienced. I will not forgive those who subtly or not so subtly called me a liar unless and until they beg me.