Like most rational people who once thought of jd vance as reasonable due to his 2016 Hillbilly Elegy media charm offensive, I have tried to forget about him ever since he transformed into yet another Republican suck-up and narcissist clown who in word and deed proved they will shamelessly lie, gaslight and scapegoat anyone or anything for more profit or political power for themselves.
However, if trump and the right-wing authoritarian cabal of domestically-based oligarchs can find a way to steal the Presidency a third time in the last five Presidencies, it is clearly important to know the psychological profile of the person who is one 78-year-old’s black heartbeat / demented narcissist’s correctly invoked 25th Amendment away from the Presidency.
Most importantly is for the less psychologically informed to understand who this jd vance character is, and how in one of his most basic tells as a abnormal human, he is literally the “worst” CNI has ever seen.
Equally important, in Part I of vance’s psychological profile, we discovered some familiar aspiring supervillains unsurprisingly returning to the scene by seemingly creating and puppet-mastering their creature known as jd vance, aka their Manchurian Candidate. Perhaps most telling is vance’s main puppet-master is also Elon’s “Roy Cohn.”
Part II delay
Initially, the delay in Part II of vance’s profile was to be sure he wasn’t told “you’re fired,” as he continues to poll as the most unpopular and “weird” VP pick in history.
Then, after the fantastic show that was the Democratic National Convention, Harris’s powerful acceptance speech, and then her masterful triggering of trump during and after their debate, the lead story was and still should be how Kamala keeps showing how Presidential she is and how unfit trump is for anything outside of a padded room or a prison cell.
However, with the Walz/vance debate nearly upon us, there is one particular aspect CNI hopes everyone will recognize and process whenever jd vance is speaking, because it is a tell of biblical proportions.
The worst projector ever
While I have just returned to the dark rabbit hole that is jd vance’s psyche to finish Part II of his profile, there has been one fundamental malignant narcissist, sociopath and psychopath trait that he keeps exhibiting over and over again.
It is indeed telling that his laziness in using Projection and lack of skill in implementing it is by far the worst I have ever seen. This in itself does not prove clinical-level narcissism, but if he does consistently use Projection on virtually everything as poorly as it appears, it is a strong indicator.
Seriously, jd vance is by far the worst projector I have ever observed in any consistent manner, and that is a striking statement even for me, because I have observed 1000s of politicians over the decades, so for anyone to be the worst at anything narcissistic is saying a lot.
The next shocking truth is how telling it is that I have not observed him all that much and yet can still confidently conclude and provide endless proof that he is in fact one of the most transparent and weakest users of Projection of all time.
It certainly highly infers he is much more of an empty vessel for “proto-fascist vampire” Peter Thiel than almost anyone realizes. Sure we all know he is in Thiel’s pocket but the more we observe him via a CNI filter, the more it seems like Thiel has some sort of MKUltra mind-control hold over the gelatinous being currently known as jd vance.
Projection examples
Below are several screenshots of jd’s interview with Dana Bash where he massively, transparently and obviously keeps projecting his fake chameleon-like nature onto Kamala, over and over again.
How ironic that vance went from being a never-trumper to trump’s groveling VP by being the opposite of who he once claimed to be, and now like trump tells lies to each new audience, such as him and trump being pro-worker.
What a surprise jd has a 0% lifetime working people voting score.
This Projection is actually informative. It tells us at some point he was told to act like he is in a movie, and that spin doctors around him are using movie tricks to give the illusion of a campaign.
By nearly every account except his own, vance flipped to trump because he is a fundamentally fake person.
Only the shameless seem to go from never trump to trump shill.
Here is jd projecting how he is a different person in front of different audiences.
Here he is further projecting how he thinks of himself and how he acts. Clearly he is a bad chameleon.
Hmm, what a surprise billionaires like jd’s puppet masters Thiel and Musk being in a room with trump completely slipped his mind.

And here jd is unconsciously telling us what a threat to democracy his primary overlord Peter Thiel is, by trying to project it onto the only major political party that still protects democracy, the Democrats. Sure this may sound hyperbolic, but Thiel has explicitly said it, and jd vance is his creature.
How ironic when vance accuses the Dems of trading political favors for money when he is a wholly owned and operated entity by and for the benefit of Peter Thiel’s money, power and influence.
It just goes on and on and on. So much that comes out of jd’s brain is the dumbest, weakest, laziest projection over and over.
Seriously, somewhere between the fiftieth to hundredth time I heard vance so obviously project negativity onto others like a broken child who sniffed too much glue, nothing he has said since has had any matter or depth of meaning, because there is none.
Indeed virtually everything that comes out of jd’s mouth seems to be him lamely projecting nonsense and lies, which is also a big part of why he seems so “weird.”
Yes, hard to believe we are talking about someone who is perhaps even a more broken and ignorant man-child than trump based on the pathetic transparency of his constant Projection.
Obviously, this confirms trump doesn’t have a real campaign and everyone around him is terrified.
I suppose all there is left to say about how much CNI predicts jd vance will use Projection in the debate is that if one takes a drink every time jd projects during his debate with Tim Walz, there is a good chance they will die of alcohol poisoning.
For the more CNI skilled, one can start to closely observe and process what projections vance unconsciously uses to attack opponents, because they will reveal their plays from their weak but far from defeated hand.
The danger narcissists consistently pose is why it is so important to use their projection tells against them. We need to have a better idea of how they are trying to steal America from “We the People,” and there are few tells of a narcissist that are more clear than monitoring their projections, and vance is comically the “worst.”
So from now on when you hear vance attack Dems, you will know he is just being one of the worst projectors ever, and sadly this tells us that something seems deeply broken within this guy, which means he is completely psychologically unfit for “public service, let alone “being a heartbeat away from the Presidency.”
Sam, thank you for again clearly and effectively explaining Vance’s use of projection. Because you define it as so completely negative I feel compelled to mention another aspect of projection, one that I have often seen in over 38 years as a psychotherapist, many of them specializing in marital and relationship counseling or therapy. This aspect is more “normal,” in the sense of not being pathological, while it can be problematic at times. When we attempt to understand another person’s actions we usually (consciously or otherwise) ask ourselves “why would someone do that?” What we are really doing is asking “if that were me why would I do that?” In other words, projecting. Best case? Empathy. Problematic case, and one I have seen often with couples or families, is that the person thinks they KNOW the intent of the other (e.g., I would only do that if I wanted to hurt you, therefore you want to hurt me) and then the needless and harmful battles begin or continue.
I offer this not in any way to counter or diminish your excellent analysis, but simply to present another aspect of projection.
Great Job this morning ☕ Sam Ray 💯 you've put JD's sickness in layman's terms for us to understand, going into the debate this Tuesday. The stark difference between Tim Walz and Vance is as different as Night and Day, Good and Bad. Tim's scene of"Dignity of Office" paired with his human compassion for others will win the day.Along with his love of Country, service, and knowledge of the problems here and abroad.Vance is going to show the American people a shallow, self serving and ridiculous man,and It will be his downfall. What I'm going to be watching for,is the Body language!! Excellent piece, Thank You,Sam Ray 💯👍💙🌊🌊🌊