This is the article I’ve been waiting for and coincides neatly as a companion piece with the new indictments as I’ve always felt that its not just trump but the result of a purposeful direction of a selfish Kleptocracy, the actors feeling invincible. ( excuse the run-on). You laid it all out and I truly hope the voters are paying attention and just maybe the insurrection trial will be televised and help mail this coffin. Usually we swing back to “normalcy “ after great disruptions: Civil War, Nazi sympathizers ( Ford/Lindbergh), McCarthism, Nixon’s egomania. The country came thru in 2020. Its articles like these that keep the people alert and on their toes.

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✨Thank you for this brilliant, well document article, Sam. ✨

✨Like many, I firmly believe trump is not really à "billionaire". Otherwise, he would have already paid the high Rally expenditures he still owes to some states, and would have not been so reluctant to disclose his tax return documents, for instance.

trump sued those who questioned his "wealth" in well documented books and articles, and lost the trials. He is indeed, like you well say, a malignant narcissist who deceives those who follow him about his crimes and "wealth".

In reality, trump is the face of failure, bigotry and evil.

I hope Special Counsellor Jack Smith ends this farce and finally sends that monster to Prison ! ✨

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