Strangely, I don’t usually go for shows about psychologists and psychiatrists but I encourage everyone dealing with aging, PTSD, death of a loved one, grief, or just into psychology to watch the NSFW yet deep, honest and hysterical show Shrinking. It will give you the “feels” as long as swearing and very adult content doesn’t bother you.
Cast-wise, never been a fan but Jason Segel is Emmy good in this, Harrison Ford is great as always and Jessica Williams steals many scenes. No surprise it was quickly renewed for a second season. Personally, it was fun to spend time in Pasadena where my wonderful grandparents lived and cherished their Disneyland obsessed grandkids.
If you would like to see a psychological review of a TV show or movie, please feel free to make suggestions. It never occurred to me to do reviews here, but it makes sense since CNI looks for entertaining ways we can educate ourselves and the world about humanity’s darker sides, and all other aspects of psychology that require intelligence.
Thank you for the recommendation of this show. In today's world climate it is paramount to have some laughter amongst the chaos.