Thank you for this. I didn’t know enough about narcissism to use the word, but for eight years now I’ve been telling people Trump’s the most predictable person in American life. It’s either ‘gimme’ or ’not my fault’. There is no strategy; there is no plan. There’s just whatever gets him on TV or what gets him through the next 15 minutes.

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Apologies. I somehow missed the comment. You are most welcome and hope CNI has continued to serve you well.

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There never has been a playbook as far as I’m concerned. Trump is basically reactive. He has his selfish goals/needs and uses his MN traits to achieve them while at the same time using ASPD methods to prevent any interference.

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America and the world will be OK when more of us see the psychology as clearly as you & others here do, which is of course the patriotic mission and purpose of the CNI think tank.

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✨I would not call the list of traits you gave on Trump and malignant narcissists a "playbook", but instead, a description of their inherent character.

Trump, Putin, Hitler and populist despots have a common political playbook .✨

✨Very good read, Sam ! ✨

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As you mentioned, more journalists are using the terminology.

I haven’t figured out if the indictments will help or hurt. The trials or lead up may show the flagrant MN. A Joseph MCCarthy moment perhaps.

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Indictments definitely help even if they trigger the crazies, because we have no more free country if our government can't stand up and defend us from RW crazies and the MNs who trigger them.

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Sam, between your article and the one by Mary Trump today—it appears Trump’s sickness is a cancer spreading to his many minions and the maga extremists. Bad news for 98% of Americans who do not know how to identify the condition or cure.

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So true Diane. That's why I have had no choice for years in trying to fill some of that vacuum.

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Keep up the good work, Sam!💙🇺🇸

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Thanks. Doing what I can when I can, in very time-intensive work.

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Trump has no wit or charm

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I suppose it's about perspective. His "wit" & "charm" seem to work well on the witless & charmless. From a psychological perspective, it is pretty standard for narcissists of all kinds to have a certain charm &/or charisma that has been developed over a lifetime to fool prey.

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Check out the podcast “Shrinking Trump”, hosted by Doctors John Gartner and Harry Segal.

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It was interesting although I have very limited interest in his dementia. He has it. Nuff said. I'm definitely Team Bandy & have nothing against Gartner, but he has never really told me anything I didn't know already, and is more timid than Dr. Lee. One thing I thought was a bit telling was in the beginning the co-host gave him full sole credit for starting duty to warn, which may very well be true, but it was petty to say it and he went along with it.

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May 15Liked by Sam Ray

Spot on!

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May 3Liked by Sam Ray

Because they live in delusion 🤔🤫

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Indeed narcissists perceive truth as they want it to be. Psychopaths just don't get it all.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Sam Ray

Staring at a solar eclipse without protective glasses. Would that be something off a “playbook” to be a fearless bada$$, or just a defiant “gimme!” ?

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Seems like a narcissist know-it-all moron being defiant while believing he's fearless badass.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Sam Ray

🤣 Good enough! 👍🏼

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Sam Ray

I just found this, great article! So what does this say about the invincibly ignorant people that still support and will vote for him? I really fear for the future of our country.

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Thank you Janette. I just did a podcast on the psychology of trump voters. Still working out a few sound kinks but you should find it answers your question thoroughly. https://samray.substack.com/p/do-trump-voters-know-he-is-a-malignant#details

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Very cool when your latest quickly becomes your most popular.

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RemovedMay 17
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Yeah I don't think that is going to happen. I do not find your POV very conducive to CNI philosophy or clarifying to my subscribers. You are welcome to hang out and it is not unheard of me changing my mind but no more promoting your "blog" here, and choose any further comments very wisely, or you will be blocked.

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RemovedMay 17
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I'm curious. Did you have a narcissistic parent that led you to psychology?

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RemovedMay 16Liked by Sam Ray
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Also interesting. I always appreciate other knowledgeable psychological perspectives. With the implosion of twitter. I do not hear as many updated professional psychological thoughts as I once did, so I appreciate it. It's a bit jargony & abstract language for the public imo though. The CNI view is the public needs our help to understand what we are up against.

Ergo, a big part of the CNI mission is to make things less abstract, because otherwise it doesn't seem to stick for most.

I prefer DSM IV because it is more empirically based than 5, but I'm a bit behind on the latest "changes." Do you have any Substack suggestions besides yourself on good resources for the latest on Cluster B, ICD et al?

Frankly, I rarely see any changes that teach me anything new beyond more jargon and I do not have good feelings for the APA and its outdated & suicidal Goldwater rule.

I'm open but I'm more dubious of them and have no need for further jargon or abstraction if there isn't something new and useful to the public inside it.

I do remember Sherlock contradicting someone by saying that he is "a high-functioning sociopath," which does seem more accurate than psychopath, although clearly his brain is different. Cheers & Thanks. https://samray.substack.com/p/psychiatry-and-psychology-are-failing

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