Thank you so much for sharing Sam! Hoping this can serve to help educate, inform and inspire anyone healing from this type of abuse. I love Hassan’s work as well and also reference it in my Substack :). For me, the uniting of holistic, spiritual work with traditional talk and EMDR therapies has radically helped my recovery. Thank you for your open-mind, curiosity, support and devotion to CNI and free thought!

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✨I acquired a thorough knowledge on cults, their victims and the malignant narcissists who run them. After having close family members in a cult for more than 10 Years, I read a lot, learned and created a blog attacking the sect and its leaders. I succeeded in havig some of my family members as well as some of the cult's "bishops" get out of it.✨

✨Very interesting read, my Friend ! ✨

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