I have sent letters to both the psychological and psychiatric societies calling out the harm of their don’t tell policy of malignant narcissism. Maybe a Don Quixotic effort, but any flood starts with a drop.

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Nicely done Mark. I'm convinced the only thing that will change them besides the threat of withholding their gov funds like trump did is to shame them. Clearly we are not talking a shame they will feel. It's the shame of the public knowing who you are and what you did.

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Excellent article! Thank you.

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Most welcome.

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I suppose my biggest fear is marking people with a scarlet "N" too hastily. For instance, I had a friend who had a severe depressive disorder that would look like narcissism or anti-social personality disorder. He did eventually kill himself. People are too quick to use psychological labels as a sword. My son has autism as well. I am truly afraid of him going into a world with people mislabeling his autistic behaviors are narcissistic--avoiding eye contact--inability to mentally and emotionally connect, etc., etc. While he sometime flaps, or stims, he doesn't always engage in such tell-tell behaviors. Education is needed so we don't harm people with real severe but treatable mental disorders with misdiagnosis in the name of catching the guilty. They could end up like my friend, who never got the help he deserved.

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Very sorry to hear about your friend and certainly understand your valid concerns. My little sis has a mental illness so I certainly try to be very constructive in what I say and how I say it regarding mental health in general.

Interestingly, Cluster B is not mental illness but "personality disorder" which is an important distinction. Sadly, the people who most often conflate depression & autism with NPD & ASPD are narcissists hyperbolically warning if we hold them accountable, it will cause innocents like your friend, son or my sis to suffer.

Is there some concern? 100%, but we must be careful not to let those who truly deserve a scarlet "N" from escaping justice by unjust threat, because at present it could cost us our democracy if we let destroyers off the hook, and then all innocents will suffer. This piece is not quite the same issue but it covers several of the issues in the situation. https://samray.substack.com/p/counter-narcissist-intelligence-in

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I don’t think the general public has much education on autism. I taught school for 30 years and I have seen a lot of improvement in the classroom but still many people just don’t know and understand that autistic children are capable of so much. Autistic children are smart, need to be taught social skills and need guidance handling this big world in their future. That applies to every kid! I hope your son is receiving the best education and is thriving. I can tell you are doing a great job with him!!!!

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What makes it even worse now is Elon is telling the world that his behavior is due to his AS, when the truth is his sociopath father made him an easily manipulated narcissist sock puppet for greater predators and likely made him one himself. Certainly his political words have become more abusive of sorts. Abuse is what he was taught and per his brother, "empathy is not his strong suit." https://samray.substack.com/p/the-grooming-of-elon-musk-a-psychological-cc8

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Thanks again for your insightful articles.

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Awesome piece, Sam. APA needs to change their policy re this stuff. There’s no reason they can’t. Unless their too narcissistic to do so. Oh. Oops! 😎

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Thanks Jeff. Nicely done.

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Thank you. Thankyouverymuch. I’ll be here all week. 🤣😎

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Thank you for your explanation. I think it helps me a little as I am an older, easily frustrated, often angered depressive who finds some kind of sick comfort in generally labeling most Republicans as assholes. I cry a lot to relieve the sadness of what I see as an abomination. I have somehow lost my ability to suppress these feelings of rage when confronted with unkindness, meanness. I want to yell out loud I AM DONE WITH MEANNESS! I may no longer have patience with those who live in a small world however, I guess it’s “nice to know” they aren’t assholes to the same degree.

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Most welcome Lola. One thing that can help reduce our rage, anger & sadness at the sociopathic horribleness of the "Republicans" is to recognize that one of the main reasons narcissists instinctively & consciously gaslight us is to make us numb, exhausted & submissive via triggering those emotions. Awareness seems to take away a lot of their power over you once you really see how they are trying to psychologically manipulate our emotions in this way. What they will never get is how these strong emotions will always cause the majority to rise up to defeat them, because they give us two choices. Submit or rebel.

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.. am partway into a 2nd read.. wow.. Must assure too ! Would be remiss.. to not describe that David Runyon is a rarity.. an artist & bon vivant old school charm. Obviously a very busy man & family man.. he nevertheless is who he is.. amen.. ! There are others here similar.. They take the time.. to ‘communicate.. ‘say their say .. and sometimes.. they end up ‘getting learned’ later on down their road.. on one or more of their ‘misunderstandings.. or as suggested elsewhere here.. some fall into turning ‘their fictions’ - into ‘their Facts.. & presumably there might be a concurrent ‘Accidental Deification’ & a USA Bible in Every Pot .. 🦎🏴‍☠️🇨🇦

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It really helps to have a good therapist especially if children are involved. Dealing with a BPD is extremely difficult and children must be considered and protected. I ended raising my children by myself.

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✨Very good read ! Bravo, Sam ! ✨

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Good article!

I have a few questions I am curious about:

1. What are the numbers/stars for sociopath, psychopath, abusers in general? And why are men so much more likely to be these than women are? Many women I talk to think that it’s at least 60 to 80 percent of men who are abusers.

2. I have heard of technology that measures certain areas of the brain of these types of individuals and can diagnose them based on that. Do you have any information on that? Is it one of those things that organizations such as the APA and the powers that be try to keep squelched? Because is sure seems it could be developed into something very helpful for the benefit of society.

3. I have read that the basis of all of these character disturbances (they’re not correctly identified when described as personality disorders) is a lack of conscience and a lack of empathy. Do you agree?

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