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While I scan info and write, I'm listening to this great Podcast, and I'm wondering if you didn't actually READ my long Comment all the way to the end?

We agree on everything you've said here! Including that it likely has a DNA component.

So, I'm not restarting our deeper convo here, but did want to note that:

The people we are both trying to save Democracy from ARE THESE PEOPLE. So maybe another intelligent mind who has studied this could be useful for interaction/feedback over these 100 or so days. Maybe i know/learned things you haven't seen yet, and vice versa?

I love that I am not the only one pointing out the impact and history/genetic (russian??) links of Narcissism.

But i am finding that the more a person is invested in their self-identified identity, the more they have what is described in The Great Guilt as The Deaf Effect (unwilling to hear what someone is saying because it might be true about them, too! Or might not.) I'm finding that the female/indigenous viewpoint is still considered invalid or a threat by some, and also that they are more likely to hear my theory with... recognition. Empathy people are just trying to survive and have a good life. If only the no-empathy people would just leave others (and resources and the planet...) alone, we would be okay with them. You brilliantly describe the continuum, that I describe as the Wounded (vs. the brain [dna?] malfunction of the pure type).

Keep up the good work, and reach out if you like - I support you!

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