✨Wonderful and thorough must read !!! ✨

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What gives me some hope concerning the MSM is that it does self correct such as the recent shuffling of the CEO of CNN. After the new CEO ( Zucker) of CNN allowed a town hall w trump where they essentially let him hijack the narrative and tone of the Q&A, he was replaced (Thompson) and the further loss of anti-Trump journalists ( Don Lemon, Brian Stelter) was stopped. They can still do a better job of describing/showing/analyzing how crazy trump is but intellectually stunted. I have yet to see him give any kind of explanation, strategy or understanding of the complexities of governing. As his UPenn professors have stated, “stupidest guy in the class”.

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Brilliant article.

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Hi, Sam Ray, I have an alternative theory about narcissism in general. Most people don't know that the heart has a neural network that processes emotion, memory and is involved in decision making. It also connects directly to the Earth's magnetic field, which is an information field. The science of this is at heartmath.org. The heart also processes our sense of "truth" because of the kind of information it senses and distributes to the brain. I've been around enough narcissists to know that their hearts are completely shut down to this kind of communication, which I think is the source of their highly specific behavior patterns and why Western psychology can't crack this nut. They aren't looking in the right place because of their focus on the mind, which is just being deprived of information. You might want to check this out.

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Feb 7Liked by Sam Ray

One of the more recent examples of the media fails: NYT publishes an opinion piece by the woman who coined “alternative facts” discussing who citizen trump should pick for VP. THANK YOU for your amazing work.

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Feb 7Liked by Sam Ray

Sam, that was right on the money. That said, I don’t think Trump supporters would understand it if you spoon fed it to them. How the fuck do you get these people to even embrace looking at something like this. I don’t think you do. 🤷🏼‍♂️😎

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