"Isn't it logical to expect our country's experts to warn us about people who, if they ever gained political power, would corrupt every public service?"

In this fascinating piece @slipperyhero explains how psychiatry is failing America. @mindyanne - DemCast Content Director - 2/7/22

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Thanks Sam. My wife is a psychiatrist, she has told me everything you have said is accurate. I was reared in a family destroyed by a malignant narcissist. We cannot allow these people to control the levers of power as the Christian nationalists wish to do. Former guy is just the vessel for the destruction to come, imo.

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Hey Sam, excellent read. Keep doin’ what you do. It’s invaluable. 👍😎

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Sam, what you have written here for us represents a guide to navigate thru the narcissistic mind field. Our society has an amplified vulnerability to those with selfish and mean spirited conduct, the trajectory leans towards Depravity. Ruthless.

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I had seen somewhere else about the goldwater rules prohibition against diagnosis. This is a blantant narcissistic protection rule. No doubt. Your work and that of folks like Bandy Lee is very important to america. I completely believe that a diagnosis can be done on a socio or pyschopath by looking at their public behaviour in order to protect society. The goldwater rule is laughably anti humanity. Its like the criminal who robs and rapes and the gang scares away all the witnesses. Everyone knows what the person did but they wont speak up in court. Do we have to catch the person with the murder weapon plunged into their victim while its happening to do something about it?

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Well said.

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Thank you Charlotte!

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Great read. Thank u.

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Words every writer loves to hear. Thank you Pati!

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Sam, this explains so much!

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Thanks Diane. It is always pleasing when the result meets the goal. icymi, This was just dubbed "Important Read" by an Emmy winning investigative journalist in propaganda Heidi Cuda and is receiving growing new attention here on Substack. Once again, the psychology ages well ; )

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Powerful and important information for us to process. Thank you so much, Sam. Love, Char

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Thank you so much Char!

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"This is a truly eye-popping piece!! Thanks Sam for sharing this info." - @Rena_Korb - DemCast Content Director - 2/7/22

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Appreciate your writing Sam, but I really disagree with this. I think breaking the Goldwater rule would inevitably politicize psychology and lead to less trust in the existing psychological establishment. Psychologists becoming more focused on denouncing republican politicians (genuinely) psychopathic behavior would probably hurt conservatives mental healthcare the most. A politicized psychology can only effectively serve half the country, and I think it’s better for psychologists to bite their tongues to better serve the millions of conservatives with treatable psychological issues.

Second point: I don’t think the American public is unaware of how narcissistic the average politician is. This is anecdotal, but when I ask any random person about Donald Trump, they list all the characteristics of a narcissist whether they know much about the term or not. Furthermore, I think Trump’s most ardent supporters like how psychologically damaged he is; the cruelty is the point for them. Vocally denouncing Trump as a narcissist will not reduce their support for him; they support him because he is a narcissist.

So I see a major downside in making conservatives less likely to seek psychological care and not much upside to more officially denouncing politicians as narcissists.

Anyways, I appreciate your writing and would love to get your perspective on this.

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Thanks for the inspiration. Here you go. https://samray.substack.com/p/counter-narcissist-intelligence-in

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I would respectifully disagree. Watching Fox a trove of lawyers lied about Justice Merchans actions or miscontrued the fairness of how Trump was treated during the trial. A constant heartbeat of Trump support is Alan Dershowitz a narcissist who got Bandy Lee kicked out or Yale for speaking out about Trump. I have seen him tell baldfaced legal falsehoods or distortiona. In my example lawyers have become politicised using their positions of honesty? to be very political and abuse their oath of office in whatever state they got their Barr in. Do we thus than throw out the opinion of pyschologists and pyschiatrists because their opinion would be political? The opposing side is always going to claim politics. I find it funny that folks who support fascism consider that fascism politics and the people who oppose that fascism consider it fascism. Should we not call it fascism because it offends the fascists? Suppressing the opinion of licensed folks who are trying to alert people to the great danger of socio/pyschopaths in office is information we greatly need. As someone who has suffered under the cult of 2 narcisissists it is our duty to prevent this from happening to everyone else by calling it out and educating.

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Hey Bill, all good background. Not sure where the link went but I was able to bring Joseph around to our psychological view a long time ago and I am very grateful to him for showing people can still have their minds changed if the logic is strong enough. https://samray.substack.com/p/counter-narcissist-intelligence-in

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A good piece I had not read it before. I feel as though I echoed many of the sentiments inside myself though much better articulated than I ever could. I find that the goldwater rule coming about during Nixons time was so very appropriate to what happened during Nixons exit. Nixon getting a pardon was similar to the goldwater rule pardoning narcissists for being called out. But now I am just pandoring. Thank you for the insights.

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Sam, just found this article in a link on your most current post. I have understood for nearly 50 years that psychologists and psychiatrists are a bane to our existence. They are generally people who feel superior to others and there are many narcissists contained in their ranks. This is demonstrated by the fact that they vilify people who have learned through independent study or their own experience about narcissists. Of course you can’t have an opinion unless you have a degree. Such self-aggrandizement! I only had to visit with several of their number to discover they were no help at all.

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I don't even know where to start nor do I care to. You are part of the problem with your narcissistic tendencies & need to sort yourself out before bothering those actually trying to save democracy. Deleted & blocked.

You are serving King donald well with your ridged rule-following. You better check yourself before you wreck yourself. buh bye sad clown.

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Jun 22
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Thank you for sharing your story Linda & I’m very sorry you had to go through all that. It’s not right! I’m working on a few things I’m trying to put out soon so couldn’t read all right now, but did want to confirm you are 100% correct Cluster B narcissism, sociopathy & psychopathy are not mental illnesses but “personality disorders.” Of course the comorbidities of mental illness & disorders are somewhat common, but certainly not the norm or majority. In working to rescue a friend from a sociopath, I read 1000s of survivors stories and hope to gain more knowledge from your experience once I finish a current piece or two, so I can give it the focus it deserves. Hopefully CNI can provide you with some useful intel as well. Cheers!

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Jun 22
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Likewise. It's worth scanning the CNI database for common areas of interest. https://samray.substack.com/p/counter-narcissist-database

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