I love Caddyshack too much to ever compare that story with ours, so I'm not going there.

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A well-developed justice system that we will hopefully see in the future needs to take into account expertise from medical professionals in addition to the ethics-based or, if one is trapped in Alabama, *morals*-based personal judgments of judges. Maybe even empirical evidence could be taken into account before final decisions are made instead of, for example, forcing the will of an older conservative minority upon the younger liberal majority. That would be a genuinely supreme legal system.

On a related note: "We need clear laws that authorize doctors to use their discretion to protect the health and lives of their patients under the new and restrictive laws adopted in much of the country."

Source: https://joycevance.substack.com/p/the-week-ahead-25c

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I'm skeptical; I see what seems like too many women merely becoming just like conventional, testosterone-oozing, asinine men!

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I find the seeming, increasingly hyper-competitive flavor of our society kind of ugly. Maybe I'm just out of step and old.

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Your perceptions are right from varying POVs. I never thought about writing about it but I think you gave me an angle. Thanks. Any other thoughts, comments or questions on what you have observed on this subject would be helpful.

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The flaw in your analysis is testosterone has virtually nothing to do with the psychology.

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Point taken.

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The unwillingness of the judiciary to acknowledge (especially in financial crimes) what experienced judges are recognizing is exasperating. “Borders on pathological”. I don’t believe that comment. I believe the judge knew the truth but did not “say it” so the verdict couldn’t be challenged for the comment. I have a long history with narcissistic personality types. In fact I am having to relocate because of a particularly dedicated to my destruction one. Your Substack is fascinating. Thank you.

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You're very welcome. However, I have found survivors who were forced to learn the psych often think others know it too. Most don't. I know that for a fact bc I thought I knew the psych well & discovered almost everything I thought I knew was wrong, & I knew more than most.

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I’m very grateful that I found your site. Will be following even more, once a little more out of range of one particular dark personality.

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.. such a benchmark moment within massmedia perceptions.. words are important .. 🦎🏴‍☠️

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I’ve had the privilege to be able to observe psychiatrists and psychologists observe and treat patients and there is very little “hands on” evaluation. It is all observation ( mostly) and the few, brief questions serve mainly to fortify the diagnosis. This is to say an in-person exam or evaluation is not needed but rather is not always necessary.

I mean do you really need to be in the same room w someone running for president to realize that hawking sneakers is not “normal” and of itself has some psychopathology?

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.. it’s my belief - face to face communication is the gold standard of ‘reading someone’ ..

.. not my talent at all.. yet fascinated .. & absolutely.. my amateur ‘way is much slower .. collecting & connecting ‘clues .. Your post is haha.. ‘clinical ! With a wry appreciation

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I find it farcical when someone shows you who they are day after day, & yet people deny it.

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.. aint it the most astonishing thing of all - seeing and hearing them show & tell it to us ‘LIVE’ - to an attendant - deliriously enthralled - ‘audience & ultimately to ‘US’ via Media Distribution Networks .. ‘the very moment it’s exiting their head & comin out their mouth.. the ‘UTTERING.. haha !

This is ‘on the receiving end’ aka ‘US’ - is the moment - in the intersection - ‘our perceptions’ reside in .. .. these are the ‘did my ears & eyes just deceive me ? .. he just SAID WHAT ! ! ? ! ! AGAIN ! ! ? ! !

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Thank you for another great article.

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Glad you liked it.

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You always give me something to think about. Appreciate it.

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✨Excellent, thorough read !! ✨

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Thanks Harry!

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