In early 2023, CNI did a Psychology of Woke series due to all the ridiculous right-wing narcissistic fear-mongering, projection, victim playing, victim blaming and gaslighting when it came to the actual meanings, intents and purposes behind most “woke” concepts, because in the San Francisco Bay Area I grew up in, 80-90% of being woke was just being a decent human in our highly successful, multi-cultural global capitol.
Did some people go too far with woke and trigger backlashes? Absolutely! Was Wokeism anywhere close to the danger and threat far-right narcissists claim it is? Absolutely not! Regardless, it was used to manipulate men into voting their fears over their logic. With this backdrop in mind, the following analysis is an updated and expanded reimagining of Part III, How and When Boys and Men Got Left Behind.
Updated Intelligence
Upon further reflection of current events, what has become an obvious realization is I regret not going deeper into the unhealthy narcissism that has been specifically used to groom so many boys and men for so long.
The subject of men specifically was not prioritized at CNI because I tricked myself with thinking men got enough attention, and mistakenly assumed that those political experts getting paid to counter such negative programming in men were doing a better job than they actually were.
I mean I knew how deluded many American men are due to at least a few decades of negative conditioning but recently I conflated the struggles of general modern men with the sad incels and the antisocial self-declared “Alpha males,” who play on their insecurities and trigger their worst instincts.
I suspect this distraction from what really mattered was caused by the unproductive focus of corporate media on extremes rather than the societal male issues needing to be addressed to help fix the problems of men. Sound wrong? The alternative is what we have now.
In hindsight, it seems it was all too easy to focus on the misogynist extremes over the deeper-level narcissistic grooming of men overall. It is no surprise that given the incalculable volume of inhumane lunacy we have been subjected to for years from trump et al, we were distracted from the same dark psychological forces chipping away and installing triggers in the vulnerabilities of most men’s hearts and minds.
I suppose it was just too easy to get sidetracked by the Reality TV sensationalism of pitying or laughing at the sad and clueless incel awkwards, clowns and a-holes, rather than see them as “canaries in the coal mine” of a societal narcissistic grooming and division operation.
It doesn’t seem a coincidence that the broader idiocracy psy-op is being perpetuated by many of the same pro-authoritarian misogynist entities that are gaslighting incels into blaming women for the lack of affection they receive, instead of looking to improve within. Of course, it is indeed a standard of a narcissistic mind to blame others for failings instead of taking personal responsibility.
After the fact, it sure seems by the numbers that the dishonest and manipulative psychological control exerted over susceptible men was greater than most realized.
Unfortunately, in yet another biblical failure of democracy by Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray, few knew until it was too late that “popular” domestic male “influencers” were getting paid millions by Putin and others to produce pro-Russian, misogynistic and oligarchic propaganda to program American men with.
This has seemingly gone on for years unchecked, unchallenged, unpunished, and now rewarded with a completely dishonest propaganda win of a democratic Presidency. A position supposed to be about service to the people, honor and integrity.
However, I like others have been aware since the late 90s that a big contributor to the massively extended global “contagion” of a misogynist “mind virus” has been right-wing media like Fox News nationally and Sinclair Media locally. They have been feeding men’s and women’s negative behaviors and worst instincts for decades.
One thing I have never been able to understand is how the “news” that plays on most military bases for many years has been Fox. It just never made sense to me that a Democratic Commander-in-Chief would not order COs to stop playing oligarchic and narcissistic propaganda for young and impressionable soldiers being given war-fighting training. What’s worse, pissing off some right-wing base commanders or the narcissistic indoctrination of soldiers? The answer is obvious, isn’t it?
Well, we do know now that intensified psychological grooming and conditioning is going to go into overdrive for “Dear Leader,” so more must be done to counter it.
As we now know from the fable of Roger Ailes and reports from former Sinclair employees, these have been dark Republican agenda operations that are not coincidentally owned, operated and run by many people who often exhibit telling behaviors of narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, but each of those operations are now just one of the many toxic tentacles marketing Project 2025.
Just to prove how hollow most attacks on “woke” were, in 2023 “conservatives” were relentless in publicly labeling everything they didn’t like as “woke” or the “woke mind virus.” A year later pre-election, it seemed very few figures were still publicly raging about “Wokeism” outside right-wing bubbles. Post-election, it is now being revived.
No surprise a stubborn holdout was a very “damaged” and entitled narcissist, aka “the richest man in the world.” The reason “woke” had mostly gone away was because demonizing being awake is bad messaging, while demonizing women’s rights, trans people and immigrants are the same old messages malignant narcissists naturally know how to sell to the ignorant and insecure men with shameless false conviction and malevolent enthusiasm.
It seems fairly transparent that “woke” is a prism for this rich man to defend himself and attack his trans daughter, who has been calling him out for a few years on his bigotry towards her, selfish authoritarian behaviors and near complete lack of empathy for other humans.
To back up his daughter, his brother who is also one of his closest business partners has said, “his gift is not empathy.” If you read CNI’s psychological profile of him, you will know the many likely devastating psychological reasons and traumas why he and trump are so epically narcissistic, and thus flock together with so many other like-minded misogynist, bigoted and/or racist “weirdos.”
These two like so many other entitled men have had their trauma and/or insecure natures further groomed with unhealthy narcissism, including the questioning of their masculinity, so of course they overcompensate with extreme misogyny.
Would most of these men like so many millions of other insecure men have been turned into misogynist, bigoted and/or racist snowflakes, who despite all their natural advantages, feel threatened by a country where all are created equal, if not for all the narcissistic grooming and programming they have received? Definitely not!
Certainly most higher spectrum narcissists such as sociopaths and psychopaths would follow their conscienceless nature and go down an authoritarian road unless they are taught a better way, but if they are not taught a pro-social code and/or understand how hitting some firm barriers can hurt them, they often won’t stop themselves from grabbing all they can, just like children.
They see it, they want it, who is stopping them from taking it? That is why there must be consequences. Those without consciences need societies’ help to control their worst antisocial urges. Tragically, naive democracies have allowed or empowered the opposite kind of incentives with lax policies and/or enforcement in recent years.
How and When Boys and Men Got Left Behind
As noted in The Psychology of Woke’s Part I and Part II, to be truly awake, one must know that “wokeism” is the American oligarch party’s latest shiny new victim-blaming vehicle to replace their old worn out scary boogeymen of “politically correct,” “liberal” and “progressive.”
Additionally, these terms have been falsely and consistently conflated for many years with authoritarianism, communism and fascism, which is ironic because the last thing authoritarian communist or fascist leaders want is their people being woke to their systemic injustice.
These types of common “conservative” misperceptions also prove a propagandized psy-op ignorance and Dunning Kruger-level idiocy on multitudes of subjects. A personal favorite is when these anti-woke stable geniuses foolishly conflate woke with being both communist and fascist.
From an empirical political science perspective, these are the two authoritarian extremes on opposite ends of the political spectrum. It is Political Science 101 that Communism is when “The Left” goes authoritarian and Fascism is when “The Right” goes authoritarian.
While woke can be perceived as authoritarian in its fierce tolerance of minority rights, the woke concept can only live in an anti-authoritarian society, which is why these erroneous conflations are so ridiculous, foolish and triggering for those who know their true meanings.
Of course, these kinds of false or weak conflations and logical fallacies are some of the main tools used by selfish and powerful elites to blame their victims and deflect attention away from their own “mind virus” of narcissism.
You know, the “Alpha male” victim mindset they have aggressively groomed, gaslit and infected the Republican Party and many others with over a few decades. We are now at the tragic point where a party who uses fear, hate and lies about almost everything can eek out a narrow “victory” for President, the Senate and the House.
This is proven by the fact that professional Republicans are now clearly a narcissistic political operation no longer interested in fair elections, democracy, truth or reality. They are now just about grifting, gaming, gaining and maintaining power. Too much? Ask George Santos.
What the anti-woke narcissists never want is for reasonable people or especially those under their gaslit spell to realize that the only way for wokeism to succeed is to be in a free, fair and open-minded democratic country.
Indeed free countries are the only kind of countries where all human rights ever have a chance of being respected. This is due to the democratic ideal that there should be systemic justice for all.
Instead, anti-woke ignorants are subtly and not so subtly programmed by narcissistic groomers to believe that they are victims, they are under threat, must fight back and everything is all the woke’s fault.
It is the same old dirty game of the greedy, rich and powerful playing divide and conquer politics so they can rob, rule and pillage the people’s rights, wealth, resources and lives. What a coincidence that’s the world almost all malignant narcissists dream about as well.
Just like the anti-woke narcissists believe their lives, opinions and beliefs are superior to any other citizen’s rights, their end game is an authoritarian grift system where the most powerful leader is a cult of personality ruler and strongman figure. Again, what another strange coincidence that wokeism’s tolerance doesn’t function in dictatorship while anti-wokeism’s intolerance requires it.
Central to the key stated beliefs of anti-wokeism is that boys and men are victims because they are not allowed to be masculine (often code for misogynist), and that many are in crises because they are being told their maleness is toxic masculinity that must stop.
They claim boys and men are angry and depressed because they cannot be themselves and are worried that they are going to be emasculated or get “canceled.” What most men who buy into this narrative miss is that they are being gaslit and groomed by a right-wing narcissist’s “real man” toxic masculinity litmus test.
What is happening behind many curtains is pathological narcissists are now publicly declaring themselves “Alpha males” and “free speech absolutists,” because narcissists by definition refuse to ever be held accountable for any of their own malignantly selfish behaviors or toxic words that reveal they are real life villains, emotional vampires, predators, parasites and/or antisocial cancers, many mistakenly think only exist in extreme, on TV or in the movies.
If we peek further behind the psychological curtain, a standard narcissist weapon of manipulation is to consistently hunt for secrets or the insecurities in people and gaslight them into feeling like they are “victims,” or whatever works to control them. Tragically, most insecure men would feel attacked, angry and threatened if someone told them they were being emasculated by someone or something.
The reality is the “anti-woke” narcissists who self-identify as “Alpha males” are always fishing for and grooming unsuspecting men with their own personal micro-targeted toxic brew of disordered narcissism. In pop psychology, this kind of narcissist minion is called a flying monkey.
Unfortunately for everyone, antisocial oligarchs were allowed to purchase most of corporate media and turn it into the kind of psy-op unhealthy narcissism brain hack oligarchs of the past could only dream of.
That is why it is 100% that small independent media must rise, because with no more accurate and useful news, all of us are in jeopardy of falling down the same dark Orwellian insecure rabbit hole that so many manipulated men are currently stuck in.
In Part II, we will continue to examine CNI’s suspected origins of how and why bad things started and have continued to go so psychologically wrong, for so long, for so many men.
These toxic sources are clearly some of the primary efforts that can and must have counter-narcissist type strategies used against them to effect real change.
CNI tells us that psychological issues got us into most of our current messes and more wise, insightful and strategic use of reverse narcissist psychology is what is needed to get us out.
Hi, Sam Ray, Thank you again for your many insights. I'm looking forward to more of your writings. I'm going to take a crack at a spiritual perspective on this. I think a lot about narcissism having had personal and painful experiences with it. As a healthcare professional, I had boxed it off into a "disorder" for a long time. It was shocking to me to start to see it as a continuum existing within all of us. Of course, this has to be true, because otherwise you would not bother to protect yourself from harm. We have to do that as long as we are in physical bodies. When we exist as our broader spiritual selves beyond physicality, narcissism is no longer part of the picture because "narcissism" is a rule of the physical experience of separation from the spiritual experience of Oneness. The question is, how far to do you want to separate? How much of this separation do you want to experience in a physical lifetime? From this perspective, we can look at history coming in waves. Have you read "The Fourth Turning"? The premise is that every 80-100 years, humanity goes through a cycle of societal behavior that culminates in a period of chaos followed by rebuilding--the fourth turning. We are in that right now. American history makes it easy to see because all of our major wars have been separated by this measure of time. If you look at each Fourth Turning we have experienced, every period of chaos is different and characterized by more extreme separation. How far do we want to go? And will humanity actually ever learn the lesson that you pointed out as "looking within to improve"? So, this changes the question to one of the focus of attention. How much do you focus your attention on an image of an external world, which tells you everything is separate? Or, how much do you focus on the internal world? Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within." I think he meant that this is where we can connect to the Oneness, which is the antidote to narcissism (the belief in separation). Empathy is a necessary process. Timothy Snyder talks about groups of people, who may or may not represent certain beliefs or characteristics, who work together toward a shared goal as an antidote. It may be that we have to get so far into separation that only things like the mutual inability to find food is what finally makes us see beyond it. Our present political choices seem to be driving us in that direction. Anyway, that is my two cents' worth. I look forward to more of your writings.
Accretive to knowledge and perspective writing and mainline press would not touch this with a 10' pole