Regarding the notion that psychologists/psychiatrists will call out conservatives (mostly GOP) as being narcissistic personality disorder once the Goldwater rule is done away with ( and it has ever since the Yale psychiatrist put out a book describing Trump’s malignant narcissism by many authors) is because the policies and the divisiveness used to promote the bigotry, racism and homophobia is attracted to this group. The liberals/progressives have their problems but authoritarianism is not one of them and so it’s hard for a narcissist to get far w/in the group ( except maybe for Bill Clinton).

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Thanks so much for your support Mitch!

Indeed Dr. Bandy Lee is a personal hero of mine for leading the Duty to Warn charge, editing & contributing to "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," and that was before she endorsed a few of my articles. Needless to say I was floating for weeks from the validation. She has also paid a heavy price including being fired from Yale over bs.

It is also true that most pathological narcissists gravitate towards the conservative end of the spectrum for many obvious and not so obvious reasons, but narcissists will use any system that helps them get power and money. Rob Blagojevich was a Dem Governor and almost 100% had NDP too. I can think of a few other current Dems that are high on the spectrum, but the entire GOP party platform is narcissism now.

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I couldn’t agree more.

I’m fully confident that Dr Bandy Lee has and will continue to land on her feet as well as continued literary success. In addition she correctly called the insurrection based on her evaluation ( remotely) of the individual that instigated the coup. So much for the Goldwater rule.

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