✨Right you are, my Friend !!✨

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✨Excellent read , Sam, and so representative of how narcissists can harm those unprepared to fight against their insidious behaviour !✨

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Thanks Harry! Indeed they sneak up on almost everyone due to a lifetime of practice.

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Do you have any recommendations or comments regarding recording or videoing the interaction? Is that too triggering for the narcissist?

The guys appears to be a bully which I suppose by definition is a narcissist, constantly pushing people around, displaying behavior that is to be intimidating. The loud tv w the door open was the first foray and it was going to get worse as we saw w the food stealing but the first he couldn’t separate himself from and the second was done surreptitiously.

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Certainly we live in an age where video evidence is among the most powerful, so yes videoing will often trigger a narcissist because they know it busts people’s BS, and usually the last thing they want is their BS exposed for all to see. I suppose the caveat would be if the narcissist sees the video as getting attention or believes they are so clever they can fool the video, then it isn’t triggering to them. You would be in effect baiting them with attention for their ego.

The guy is a bit of a mystery but thankfully one I don’t need to solve anymore. My sense was he had gone through some traumas (certainly some of his own making) which somehow made him both insecure and aggressive towards other men, and perhaps had some mental illness but what is key for our purposes is his behaviors were very similar to a manipulative yet oblivious narcissist out to get what he wanted, and it might have worked on someone else. He definitely chose the wrong guy to try narcissist manipulation and intimidation on. Sadly, weak narcissists like him usually bully who they can and submit to those they can’t. As we know, at the heart of almost every bully is insecurity and pain.

The loud TV with the door open I think was just narcissism’s lack of self-awareness rather than an action of bullying, but the line between the two is thin so it is a move of dominance and sense of entitlement too I suppose. Indeed the food stealing was an attempt to gaslight me for one reason or many reasons, but I knew not to bite there either. I did the thing narcissists hate most. I calmly and systematically defeated him.

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