Feb 17Liked by Sam Ray

I was once married to a narcissist, and everything, everything , you communicate here is spot on. They are masters of camouflage . Eventually, their behavior reveals that the victim was a tool. I appreciate your comment about self forgiveness. Alas, they want their children to be trophies, and, as you say. The child I raised has severe ADHD and is on the autism spectrum. He is studying psychology in college; one day he comes home during break and says, “ My mom is a narcissist!”

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Fantastic read. Looking forward to the next article. Thank you!

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✨Excellent, thorough article. A must read for everyone ! Thank you, Sam. ✨

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Feb 17Liked by Sam Ray

Sounds awesome. Can’t wait to dive in and learn more. 👍😎

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Feb 17Liked by Sam Ray

It happens to the best of us, yet succeeds best with the most uninformed among us—aka the alt-right Base in this moment. We can be aware, vigilant, yes. What of those unaware or helpless against the malignant tide? What is our role in creating a more flourishing society?

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.. finding it intriguing to pause & or engage disciplined reread after paragraphs or paragraphs within specific groups - for introspection as well as consideration (looking way back toward my feral & adopted childhood.. or more recent related ‘scenarios which may exemplify signposts or ‘codes) - probably need a 3rd pass in daylight to jot down names / notes for further reflection - 3 AM toronto time here

Again - can more easily ‘visualize this via Current Canadian scenario of Pierre Poilievre - adopted at birth in Alberta - precocious Political dream as youth of being Prime Minister - competed among similar others in ‘Young Conservative’ University politics - changed adoptive name accordingly - had no life other than ‘politics’ - & now after 20 years has navigated among like minded individuals, dreamers & schemers as ‘conservative Vested Interest absorbed more Mainstream Media - has even changed physical appearance for more ‘warm & friendly appearance - gotten married & children (doting father emphasis)

To judge him by the company he keeps is the clear ‘tell’ - but even worse is examining his actual ‘reality these last 20 years ! He is simply & obviously revealed as ‘smartest guy in every room, sneering & arrogant - smart mouth as a whip repeating catchy slogan dogma & deceit - it’s also unclear how he’s become a multi millionaire - albeit been thriving on the taxpayers dime these last 20 years. He’s surrounded by like minded manipulative & corrupt ‘success stories’

In short - he’s a self made toxic apex parasite - a Lamprey Eel navigating within a Partisan political sub-Society - the antithesis of ‘Good Governance’. The Constituency that elected him as their Public Servant & mere flagstone on his pathway to Self Glory, Power & Dominion - his Wet Dream

I view him as the shining ‘Tool’ example of the Contemporary Propaganda Coup D’état - Capture The Media & The Palace Is Yours - de facto

Today he is propelled by Daily Popularity Polls proclaiming a historic Majority is his late autumn of 2025 - is this ringing any bells ? We now have Mainstream Media raving on How He Controls ‘The Narrative’ - Please keep in mind that in Canada - the Only People who can actually Vote for Pierre Poilievre are his Riding Constituency - 100,000 Eligible women & men - what I believe is underway is a type of Pre Fab Electoral ‘Construct’ or Distortion of Democracy - Yellow Media churning Social Media & both churning in a Looping Self Churning Cycle together - a new Self Propaganda Pandora’s Loop .. what th !! ?? 🦎🏴‍☠️

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Feb 25Liked by Sam Ray


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Had to look up “Love Bombing and Virtue Signaling”…Interesting!

Question for you Sam…In your opinion, What is the best way to respond to a Love Bomber when you suspect one has targeted you, or someone w/you…? Confrontation, satire, reverse psychology, or just Blowing them off…?

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I know some people w the resources and influence who will try to make a change of the Democratic nominee but I think that’s a fool errand and this is the way to go: dumb it down a little, find a catch phrase, anything to grab the attention of those who might see this “Big Con”. I’m hoping Judge Engoron’s huge judgement for business fraud will begin to move the needle a bit.

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