This is a master class in CNI, reference grade stuff that threads the fragments that I'd already had into a cohesive tool that can be applied to my state government and the merchants of malarkey trying to take it apart. Thanks you

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✨Well thought, structured, must read ! ✨

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.. finding myself - self inquiring - more & more more more - Qui Bono ? Of course the ‘the narcissist themself - but invariably the ‘behaviour seems embedded or entwined - to a ‘Group Narcissism.. ‘Greater Cause / Crusading .. which keeps bringing dire thoughts of ‘herd parasitism..

? Are we seeing - ‘since we can’t be part of the Solution - let’s be part of the Problem ! 🦎🏴‍☠️

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I love your writing/stack so much! Please forgive my professoring by explaining that the “al.” in “et al.” is a Latin abbreviation for “et alia” (“and others”…like the word “alias”), so whenever you write et al., be sure to throw in that period to denote an abbreviation. My tiny contribution to your incredible work on psychopolitics.

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