Jul 22Liked by Sam Ray

They are already setting Harris up for the same thing by talking about her debating the bloated orange turd. I need to find out who to start writing letters to in the campaign to have them stop normalizing that criminal psychopath. Thank you for all your work.

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This was the very first thing I pointed out before I knew how exhausted and sick President Biden was.

His debate prep team should only have consisted of psychiatrists who specialize in sadistic malignant narcissism.

To be fair even with that training a " debate" against a sadistic malignant narcissist is an impossibility in itself.

Once I identify that I am dealing with anyone remotely close to trump's level of narcissism I disengage completely.

You can do that in your own private life but not when that person has been President, is running again for President, has usurped every media coverage and has not been held accountable for the most heinous treasonous crimes ever committed by an American President.

There is no escape.

Trapped inside the mind of a madman for 9 years.

If VP Harris does end up debating him it should not be a forgone conclusion that she will wipe the floor with him.

I hope her team will include psychiatrists and psychologists and not just traditional debate advisors.

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Jul 22Liked by Sam Ray

Does J. D. Vance qualify as a malignant narcissist as well. And if he does, how will two malignant narcissists work together?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 24Author

Idk enough about Vance yet to make that judgement but let's just say a lot of signs are pointing to the affirmative. As long as trump thinks JD is sufficiently sucking up, they will get along. I'm certain he'll try to play along until the clock strikes midnight, but he might not be able to help himself.

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I heard on MSNBC earlier that there is “buyer’s remorse” already over the Vance pick. Trump wanted to project youth, instead he got someone way more radical than the king himself, with an ambitious ego, surpassing Trump’s narcissism.

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I saw that. I’ll have a piece on Vance in the near future. However, idk how anything or anyone can surpass trump’s narcissism. Be more evil & more dangerous? Yes. Be more narcissistic?

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Both my parents were narcissists. And I’ve

had decades of therapy. I knew what the look on President Biden’s face meant, even without knowing he was being heckled. Bash and Tapper enabled the entire disgusting spectacle. And my main thought also was, “how did Biden’s advisers not prepare him for this?” As much as anyone can be prepared to deal with a malignant narcissist. The only actual way is to walk away. The normalization of his psychopathology has been astounding. And, these past couple days have allowed me breathe again. We’ve been in an abusive relationship with this shit stain for 9 years. May this be the turning point. Thank you for a brilliant piece.

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Thank you for the kind words & sharing your story. It is so unjust for any child to have a narcissist as a parent, let alone two. Seems like you had some good therapists & have done a lot of hard work based on your level of understanding, vision & focus.

The continuing reason Biden’s advisors were not prepared is because even now, very few outside of survivors like yourself really understand the true nature & utter depravity of narcissists, so they really don’t get what they are up against. I know this to be true because I was once very knowledgeable in politics but clueless about Cluster B, & I have seen this same syndrome in almost all “political experts” for almost 15 years now.

CNI is working hard to change that & is thankfully becoming an increasingly effective vehicle & resource in helping those in the media & elsewhere see them for who they really are.

By giving psychological foundations for arguments revealing those truths & sharing best practices for what it usually takes to stop them, the forces of darkness lose some of their power. Supercool CNI is now read in 61 countries & by some well known in the media, so our seeds are spreading. Definitely check out the CNI indexed database for other area of interest. https://samray.substack.com/p/counter-narcissist-database

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Jul 23Liked by Sam Ray

You are brilliant. Thank you for your work!! You definitely know your stuff. Regarding the debate - I believe that you called it correctly when you suggested (I am using my words here) that PRESIDENT Biden was “slack jaw” because he was stunned by the abuse he was receiving from trump. I didn’t know about the mic’s but I have reacted the same way to crap hurled at me by narcissists. I am thinking WTF and can’t even answer because it’s ridiculous. The real answer is to walk away from the creep, but that’s not always possible so maybe that armor mentioned in the Bible is what is meant to be used against the evil crap thrown by these people.

Kamala Harris knows how they think. So do others that want to join with her since that Republican convention. I recognize some people who I know have had to deal with too many narcissists. It’s time to take them down! Hahaha

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Thank you kindly Kay. We certainly are on a wild ride. Go Kamala!

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Excellent, and very informative article! Thank you for sharing your knowledge on narcissism!!

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Jul 22Liked by Sam Ray

Thank you for your well written all nighter insights. Here’s my painful take.

Our media complex has succumbed to self-gaslighting. Biden’s decision to step down is directly related to that. His campaign failed to protect him, but it’s no one’s fault. As a survivor I can see through the ploys and the false narratives ‘Biden’s too old’. No he isn’t. My stepfather worked until he was 93 at a physically and mentally demanding job. So no he isn’t. Biden has also engaged in self gaslighting, and that’s what I am incredibly disappointed about. Unless a story comes out that he’s actually dying, I don’t accept ‘exhausted and sick’ while we have FDR as a model for perseverance. It’s too late to change anything now. What a great pivot that would be! Instead we’re left now deal with what is in fact more Trump induced chaos. Stay the course for Kamala, but dammit but I’m still struggling with what I view as my President capitulating to a narcissist takeover of everything including the truth. If I’ve got this wrong, please redirect me.

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idk all the details but apparently Joe knew it was over when many big $ Dem donors said no more $ for Dems until you go. I too think Joe has more left in the tank but $ in politics forced his and many a Dem hand. Indeed the media bs was a big driver of big donor perceptions.

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Jul 22Liked by Sam Ray

Thank for that. I’m inclined to agree though the sting of betrayal by the donor class remains (it’ll hopefully fade but not holding my breath). The more I think of Kamala as our choice, the better I feel. She’s got the background and probably can not only win but put deranged toy Donald back in his toy box.

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In 2020, Kamala was my fav. A prosecutor taking on trump seemed ideal.

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I’ll take darlin’ Joffrey any day!

Also, I watched all of the debate with my jaw gaping at the sheer, rapid fire onslaught of lies upon lies never once answering a question asked of him😳🤯😤 I knew the results weren’t great but as soon as msm started questioning Bidens fitness, I wanted to scream from the hilltops he was totally rope-a-doped with a wall of bullshit! How could anyone react with coherent points an assault by the Gish king? I know i could only shake my head and sit in a stupor. It was brutal.

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So if you had a do over, would you watch it again, & if so why? No judgement. Just want to understand your logic behind the choice.

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Well, I guess I feel like one does with a train wreck. I couldn’t look away. It would pain me to use 90 minutes of time to watch once more, but if some new twist on the trump dynamic needed investigated and would forward mankind’s future I would watch it. Mostly though, because it was one of the most ridiculous events I’ve seen and I can not recall two sentences that were either muttered or pontificated.

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Thanks for sharing your perspective.

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None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. None of us is as strong as all of us. The Democratic Party has a job to do, and we know what we’re up against. There is a lot of dirt and trash to clear out, and none of us can do it as well as all of us.

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✨Excellent read, my Friend ! ✨

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