Elon’s Self-Immolating Narcissism
Musk unambiguously revealed a long denied truth about himself.
CNI Twitter history and narcissist psychology troll lessons
Once upon a time, I loved Twitter. Sure it had its issues but it was very useful as the digital town-square on planet Earth when I became an active user around 2014. How efficient it was to test psychological political theories in the world’s biggest marketplace of ideas. The testing went exactly as hoped, helped take down a corrupt “President” and landed a featured column.
It was so reaffirming that the best and strongest theories were repeatedly confirmed by blue checked experts in the know, and any weaknesses were intelligently challenged and suggestions were made, which is all anyone who cares about ultimate truth and personal improvement wants to hear.
Sure there were trolls but I quickly determined that most were there to try to upset, divide and feed off good people’s wasted time and energy spent engaging them. Whether that is true or not, any time engaging trolls is almost never productive.
Hence, the narcissist psychology principle of “cutting all ties,” aka “blocking” all trolls works to near perfection each time a troll, or troll in disguise rears their ugly head, because no matter the reason, they are rarely worth your valuable time.
Elon’s psychological profile
Also once upon a time, I thought this guy named Elon was pretty cool for starting the first successful environmentally-friendly American car company on my home turf of the East Bay Area in California, but honestly never paid him much attention besides giving the guy his due for doing something local, innovative and new.
Then, after being inspired to psychologically profile him due to some strange behaviors that emerged in his very bizarre dance of, “will he or won’t he buy Twitter,” the guy I thought fairly cool due to big sci-fi dreams appeared to be much more of a massively entitled tech bro billionaire.
More disturbingly, there were all kinds of self-confessed psychological damages and antisocial pathologies that few who supposedly knew him seemed to recognize, are understandably passive like his mother, or they appear to be exploiting him. One of the only clearly noted clues towards his pathological narcissist psychology at the time was his own brother Kimbal saying, “his gift is not empathy.”
A study of Elon’s life seems to translate into a psychologically broken child riding his compulsions and systemic advantages to success. Most damage comes from being groomed since birth to be easily puppet-mastered by a more dominant narcissist.
This programming is why he is easily egged on and manipulated into his worst impulses by those giving him a spec of the fatherly approval he has always craved, but never received. This part of Elon’s story seems fairly certain because his father appears to give a near perfect impression of a malignant narcissist/sociopath.
With a lack of empathy in mind and history of suffering from narcissistic abuse, Elon’s claims of wanting to buy Twitter to make it an even more trusted digital town square while sounding sincere at the time, in hindsight proved to be pure science fiction, because like a narcissist, he then did pretty much the opposite of everything promised.
In apparently continuing standard non-empathetic narcissist-like behavior, he didn’t pay Twitter’s bills, fired most of the staff, demanded extreme work commitments and loyalty to keep a job there, got rid of all the people that took care of trust and user safety, essentially hollowed out the once proud global social media company, made it so any antisocial bad actor can buy a blue check, making them meaningless beyond being a badge of shame, and he destroyed the Twitter brand by turning it into “X.”
In observing his early odd takeover behaviors, it quickly became obvious that anyone as antisocial as Elon had no chance of succeeding in social media, beyond destroying it and perhaps the very fabric of democracy itself, if given a chance. More disturbingly, it appeared Musk’s purchase of Twitter released all his worst instincts, as his narcissistic pathology of self-indulgence at humanity’s rare benefit and often huge expense was in full effect, as he proudly marched down a path towards being a supervillain.
Essentially he seems to have lit the $44 billion on fire that he could have used to solve world hunger, by turning his Twitter “investment” into what appears to be nothing more than a valueless cesspool dominated by racists, bigots, misogynists, fascists, white-supremacists and nazis who praise Elon, and he seems to love it.
This is why to the surprise of no one who has a decent understanding of Elon Musk’s fragile narcissist psychology, total sense of entitlement (often getting him dubbed “SpaceKaren” with apologies to nice people named Karen) and his complete tone-deafness to the basics of civilized behavior unless it is bowing to China, his big “unwoke” mouth has gotten him into big trouble once again.
This time his thoughtless and unprofessional words and actions appear to completely confirm that he was far more supportive of racist apartheid than he ever let on, because if you are a white South African billionaire who grew up rich and affluent during apartheid and are now claiming to be worried about the “white race,” “you might be a racist.”
The big questions have always been: Did Elon merely want to silence his critics and empower all the voices with trauma-induced dark visions like his own? Was there some sincere part of him believing in “free speech absolutism” for everyone, and not just for himself?
With his latest verbal coronal mass emission, he has made it clear that even the most optimistic interpretation revoves the hope that his positive spin on intentions was anything more than an illusion.
The hope has always been he would be smart enough to see he was on the wrong path but nearly all hope for that outcome has become more and more faint with each new moronic and toxic move, and now he has dropped even deeper down into the land of the toxic abyss with his latest disturbed and detached from reality reveal.
Currently, an avalanche of the biggest brands in tech and entertainment such as Apple, Disney, Sony, Discovery/CNN, Paramount, NBCUniversal, Comcast, Lionsgate and Warner Bros are running for the hills with their advertising dollars, once again.
These are the brands that stayed or came back to Twitter even after Musk turned the world’s most trusted digital town square into a toXic soup of far-right fever dreams, rumor and unverifiable nothingness, but Musk’s latest toxic spew and treatment of advertisers despite his puppet CEO’s promises of standing up to hate speech, is a bridge too far for any image conscious company to be OK with.
He has finally, fully, publicly, unambiguously and obviously crossed racist and bigoted lines that he has often denied having, because they are impossible to defend, justify, or even walk back. Playtime for Elon Musk’s companies with big advertisers may finally be over.
It is so bad that IBM and others have had to recently call out Twitter and end their ad buys after finding their advertisements were appearing alongside pro-nazi content. “PRO-NAZI” CONTENT!!! WOW!!! The Internet and Television Association (NCTA) and Gilead Sciences suspended their twitter spending in August after finding their ads were also run alongside pro-nazi content. Media Matters has reported ads by Apple, Comcast, NBC and Oracle have appeared alongside similar types of content. Elon has threatened to sue Media Matters in response.
Normally, CNI tries to avoid reposting such forms of toxic language but this conspiracy theory is so ridiculous and stupid that it is almost funny, but what is even more ridiculous, massively narcissistic, completely tone deaf and darkly comical are Elon’s self-immolating responses.
Recent twitter post: “Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of…hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. I'm deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don't exactly like them too much. You want truth said to your face, there it is.”
Musk: “You have said the actual truth.”
So let us unpack this ridiculous nazi-esque propaganda a little.
The first sign of lunacy is that most Jewish people in the “white” world are “white’ so it makes zero sense for them to direct more hatred towards themselves as white people. Of course the nazi belief is Jews were not white so it appears the neo-nazis and Elon are trying to perpetuate that same old divisive, toxic and fictional racist trope.
Apparently “hordes of minorities” flooding Western countries is also a popular antisemitic conspiracy theory. Again, their illogical theory apparently states that the Jewish citizens of every white majority country are trying to flood their own country with immigrants of darker complexions to attack white people, which again makes no sense with most Jews in these countries also being white, and no citizen of any country (outside of those who want chaos) wants their country to take in more immigrants than they can safely accommodate.
So yeah, the whole theory is some kind of Dunning-Kruger level stupidity and racist and bigoted pretzel logic. In fact, it reminds me of a similar 2020 conspiracy theory that Jewish George Soros was funding bringing Islamists terrorists across the Southern border, which also makes no sense because prime targets of Islamists terrorists would be Jews like Soros.
Additionally, most Westernized Jews are liberals who want democracy, stability, equality at home and abroad, and peace in Israel, so never liked the toxic Netanyahu and always wanted an achievable, fair and just two-state solution for the Israelis and the Palestinians.
At least in America, it is a fact that at any given time between 70-85% of the Jewish population here is liberal, and that mere fact drives the Republicans and right-wingers in Israel insane. They just never seem to comprehend why most American Jews generation after generation have loved democracy, freedom of religion, equality under the law and the right to vote so much. Perhaps if these christofascists had ever read the Old Testament, they would understand why. Oh wait, they claim they do. Nevermind.
So in stark contrast with reality, civilized society and smart business practices, the tech bro, PayPal mafia, psychopathically groomed “libertarian” with a cult of personality and billionaire entitlement got himself and Twitter in big trouble again by calling the ridiculous, anti-Semitic and completely dishonest racist trope and conspiracy theory above, “the actual truth.”
Musk did not stop there. Just hours after several advertisers fled Twitter due to Musk expressing support for the antisemitic tweet, he of course in classic narcissist fashion played the victim by calling the fleeing companies, “the greatest oppressors of your right to free speech.”
Apparently growing up in a racist and fascist dystopia is not helpful in grasping how American companies can assert their free speech by wanting no association with nazis or other toxic, anti-American, antisemitic and white-supremacists free speech.
In causing large advertisers to flee Twitter with such toxic behavior, this once again brings into question, “What kind of person acts this way?” I know the feeling because he was far and away the most elusive subject I have ever tried to psychologically profile due to a variety of complex factors.
Just a sampling would be his self-declared “Asperger’s” and then self-confessed yet seemingly apparent massive prenatal and childhood traumas that violently shoved him towards the defense mechanism of pathological narcissism, and perhaps his mother’s prenatal trauma contributed towards his AS and non-empathy as well.
Obviously, there is more going on with him psychologically than being an entitled, eccentric white man. He now appears to be spewing overt racism and bigoted fears in order to sway his followers towards the white-supremacists mindset he was groomed with while growing up wealthy and white in apartheid South Africa. If you would like to delve deeper into the psychology that at least fits the facts, almost all this and much more is explained in Elon’s psychological profile.
How pathetic that the richest man in the world who is white believes that white people are under threat from poorer brown immigrants, or even worse doesn’t believe it and is just being a pathologically psychopathic agent of chaos. Whatever the answer is, there are no answers where Elon looks good besides pushing America towards tech bro authoritarianism.
However, with this particular step on the road of Elon’s seemingly inevitable narcissistically-driven self-destruction, it is his extra-large portions of racist apartheid dystopian affluenza and grooming in his formative years that appears to be the most operative parts of this latest incident from a hidden yet now revealed psychological perspective. It is a big tell if you will, or at least it is an accidental admission equaling conclusive proof for a belief in a white supremacy that the Musks have long denied.
Indeed many have accused him of racism and I believe he has had to settle some cases of racist behavior towards employees of color. He has of course denied that the white-supremacists grooming of his youth has affected him but this current white-fright propaganda reveals it is far more a part of who he realizes he is and/or wants to admit to the public, but with his latest actions and words, he made it clear that white supremacy is a big part of who he is and due to growing up in apartheid South Africa, is likely who he always has been, and will be.
Understandably, many of his fans seem to think he’s just an eccentric genius who can’t help himself from saying racist, bigoted, sexist, misogynist things, and all other forms of white male insecurity and personal psychological weakness, and there is a lot of truth in all that from a psychological perspective.
However, in his promotion as fact of the above anti-Semitic tweet, he seems to have unconsciously revealed a deeper truth about himself he and his family have historically denied or tried to hide, and that is that Elon Musk was born, raised and still believes in the false supremacy of white people.
Like most people deeply affected by their own trauma and have gone mostly towards the dark side due to unimaginable psychological pain and/or have genetic and/or brain predisposition, it does not take a leap in logic to understand many if not most of them hate everyone and everything including themselves, either consciously, unconsciously, or combinations thereof.
When taken in this context, yes Elon was being antisemitic and that revealed a much deeper rooted like-minded apartheid belief system that he has continually denied, and likely an even deeper truth. The reality is that Elon like most hovering around or exceeding malignant-types of narcissism, they hate everyone and everything, which includes all religions and ethnicities, including their own.
The exceptions are for how they can be used to help acquire what is narcissistically craved, at any given moment. I wonder if we will ever know what Elon was craving that caused him to make such a massively self-destructive and foolish business decision to unambiguously reveal his apparently long-held apartheid belief in white supremacy?
It seems to me that the only way a narcissist has any hope of becoming a functioning adult is to pursue a career in psychology or counseling (as Mary Trump has). My conversations with people I know in the field of psychology indicate that this was true for themselves or for people they knew. It does make sense to me, as the one thing most people with NPD struggle with or won’t do is to confront their childhood trauma. Such rigorous training includes receiving counseling from for peers in a safe domain. I also suspect that the commitment they make to study psychology is, perhaps, the most significant factor. That is, they choose to not become the parent.
The more I learn about Musk the more I’m reminded of the aphorism, “ behind every great fortune lies a great crime”. In Musk’s case there are several breaches of morality.